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Differences in salivary secretion and epidermal growth factor concentrations in mild reflux esophagitis and non-erosive reflux disease
Esophagus ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s10388-022-00966-x
Mai Koeda 1 , Eri Momma 1 , Tomohide Tanabe 1 , Yuichi Kitasako 1, 2, 3 , Yoshimasa Hoshikawa 1 , Shintaro Hoshino 1 , Noriyuki Kawami 1 , Katsuhiko Iwakiri 1


Sex differences in salivary secretion have been reported among healthy subjects. In the present study, salivary secretion and salivary epidermal growth factor (EGF) concentrations were investigated in mild reflux esophagitis patients, non-erosive reflux disease (NERD) patients, and healthy controls by matching the sex ratio.


Thirty-three (male:female = 11:22) patients with NERD, 33 (11:22) with mild reflux esophagitis, and 33 (11:22) healthy controls were recruited for this case–control study. Salivary secretion was assessed as follows: each patient chewed sugar-free gum for 3 min prior to endoscopy, and the amount of saliva secretion, salivary pH, and salivary pH after acid loading as an index of the acid-buffering capacity were measured. Salivary EGF concentrations were measured by ELISA.


No significant differences were observed in the amount of saliva secretion, salivary pH, or the acid-buffering capacity between the mild reflux esophagitis and NERD groups. However, the amount of saliva secretion and the acid-buffering capacity in the mild reflux esophagitis group and the amount of saliva secretion, salivary pH, and the acid-buffering capacity in the NERD group were significantly lower than those in the healthy control group. No significant differences were noted in salivary EGF concentrations between the mild reflux esophagitis and NERD groups.


After matching the sex ratio, the saliva secretion was significantly lower in patients with mild reflux esophagitis and NERD than in healthy controls. However, no significant differences were observed in the amount of saliva secretion or salivary EGF concentrations between both groups.




据报道,健康受试者的唾液分泌存在性别差异。在本研究中,通过匹配性别比例,研究轻度反流性食管炎患者、非糜烂性反流病 (NERD) 患者和健康对照者的唾液分泌和唾液表皮生长因子 (EGF) 浓度。


本病例对照研究招募了 33 名(男:女 = 11:22)NERD 患者、33 名(11:22)轻度反流性食管炎患者和 33 名(11:22)健康对照者。唾液分泌评估如下:每位患者在内窥镜检查前咀嚼无糖口香糖 3 分钟,并测量唾液分泌量、唾液 pH 值和酸负荷后唾液 pH 值作为酸缓冲能力的指标。通过 ELISA 测量唾液 EGF 浓度。


轻度反流性食管炎组和 NERD 组之间的唾液分泌量、唾液 pH 值或酸缓冲能力没有显着差异。但轻度反流性食管炎组唾液分泌量和酸缓冲能力及NERD组唾液分泌量、唾液pH值和酸缓冲能力均显着低于健康对照组。轻度反流性食管炎组和 NERD 组之间的唾液 EGF 浓度没有显着差异。


匹配性别比例后,轻度反流性食管炎和 NERD 患者的唾液分泌量明显低于健康对照组。然而,两组之间的唾液分泌量或唾液EGF浓度没有观察到显着差异。
