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The Tire-Derived Chemical 6PPD-quinone Is Lethally Toxic to the White-Spotted Char Salvelinus leucomaenis pluvius but Not to Two Other Salmonid Species
Environmental Science & Technology Letters ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-07 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.2c00683
Kyoshiro Hiki 1 , Hiroshi Yamamoto 1

N-(1,3-Dimethylbutyl)-N′-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine-quinone, also known as 6PPD-quinone (6PPD-Q), was recently identified as the toxic chemical that causes acute mortality in coho salmon following exposure to urban road runoff. Subsequent studies found that there were large differences in sensitivity to 6PPD-Q (>100-fold) even among salmonid species. Here we performed 96 h acute toxicity tests of 6PPD-Q with three salmonid species (Salvelinus leucomaenis pluvius, Salvelinus curilus, and Oncorhynchus masou masou) and found that 6PPD-Q was lethally toxic to S. leucomaenis pluvius with a 24 h median lethal concentration (LC50) of 0.51 μg/L but not to the other two species at environmentally relevant concentrations (<3.8 μg/L). In addition, we measured the concentrations of 6PPD-Q and the suspected monohydroxylated metabolite in brain and gill tissues for the three species. The median internal lethal concentrations (ILC50) of 6PPD-Q were estimated to be 4.0 μg/kg of wet weight in brain and 6.2 μg/kg of wet weight in gill for S. leucomaenis pluvius, while the tissue concentrations of 6PPD-Q in the other two surviving species exceeded the ILC50 values for S. leucomaenis pluvius. These results suggest that species sensitivity differences might be affected by toxicodynamic factors as well as toxicokinetics.


轮胎衍生的化学物质 6PPD-醌对白斑点鲑具有致命毒性 Salvelinus leucomaenis pluvius 但对其他两种鲑鱼则无毒

N -(1,3-二甲基丁基)- N ′-苯基-对苯二胺-醌,也称为 6PPD-醌 (6PPD-Q),最近被确定为导致银鲑暴露于城市道路径流。随后的研究发现,即使在鲑科鱼类中,对 6PPD-Q 的敏感性也存在很大差异(>100 倍)。在这里,我们对三种鲑鱼(Salvelinus leucomaenis pluviusSalvelinus curilusOncorhynchus masou masou)进行了 6PPD-Q 的 96 小时急性毒性试验,发现 6PPD-Q 对S. leucomaenis pluvius具有 24 小时中位致死浓度的致死毒性(LC 50) 0.51 微克/升,但对环境相关浓度 (<3.8 微克/升) 的其他两个物种没有影响。此外,我们还测量了这三个物种的脑和鳃组织中 6PPD-Q 和疑似单羟基化代谢物的浓度。对于S. leucomaenis pluvius, 6PPD-Q 的中位内部致死浓度 (ILC 50 ) 估计为 4.0 μg/kg 脑湿重和 6.2 μg/kg 鳃湿重,而 6PPD-Q 的组织浓度在其他两个幸存物种中,超过了S. leucomaenis pluvius的ILC 50值。这些结果表明,物种敏感性差异可能受到毒理动力学因素和毒代动力学的影响。