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Phase transition of Fe2O3–NiO to NiFe2O4 in perovskite catalytic particles for enhanced methane chemical looping reforming-decomposition with CO2 conversion
Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy ( IF 20.2 ) Pub Date : 2016-09-15 01:13:48
Hyun Suk Lim, Dohyung Kang, Jae W. Lee

This work introduced a perovskite catalytic particle of Fe2O3–NiO/La0.8Sr0.2FeO3 as an oxygen carrier and investigated its long-term activity and stability in a novel methane Chemical Looping Reforming-Decomposition (CLRD) process. Carbon dioxide (CO2) was injected for the oxidation of the reduced catalytic particle and its carbon deposit, resulting in the accelerated production of syngas. The catalytic particle showed over 97% of CH4 conversion over 60min and the reduced catalytic particle was partially re-oxidized by both O2 and CO2 with the conversion of CO2 into CO maintaining about 93% over 80min. The separate phases of Fe2O3/NiO were gradually merged to the single crystal phase of NiFe2O4 during the calcination of the two metal oxides and the continuous redox reaction cycle. The increased crystallinity can lead to the improvement of both activity and stability due to the enhanced oxygen-carrying capacity. The structure of the catalytic particle was well preserved and its activity has been stable in the long-term CLRD cycle with the combination of CO2 utilization.



这项工作介绍了一种以Fe 2 O 3 -NiO / La 0.8 Sr 0.2 FeO 3为氧载体的钙钛矿型催化颗粒,并研究了其在新型甲烷化学回路重整分解(CLRD)工艺中的长期活性和稳定性。注入二氧化碳(CO 2)以氧化还原的催化颗粒及其碳沉积物,从而加快了合成气的产生。催化颗粒在60分钟内显示超过97%的CH 4转化率,并且还原的催化颗粒在转化为CO 2的同时被O 2和CO 2部分重新氧化在80分钟内将其转化为一氧化碳,保持约93%。在两种金属氧化物的煅烧和连续的氧化还原反应循环过程中,Fe 2 O 3 / NiO的分离相逐渐合并为NiFe 2 O 4的单晶相。由于增加的载氧能力,增加的结晶度可以导致活性和稳定性的改善。结合使用CO 2,催化颗粒的结构得到了很好的保存,并且在长期CLRD循环中其活性一直稳定。