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The effects of fatigue on perceptual-cognitive performance among open-skill sport athletes: A scoping review
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-06 , DOI: 10.1080/1750984x.2022.2135126
Lily Dong 1, 2 , Benjamin Pageaux 3, 4, 5 , Thomas Romeas 2, 6 , Nicolas Berryman 1, 2, 4


Perceptual-cognitive performance is fundamental for the anticipation and decision-making demands of open-skill sports but may be disrupted by fatigue. This scoping review aimed to describe what is known about the effects of fatigue on perceptual-cognitive performance among open-skill sport athletes. Six databases were systematically searched. Articles were included if they involved open-skill sport athletes, a perceptual-cognitive task assessed on two or more occasions, and induction of acute fatigue confirmed by a manipulation check. Sixty-seven studies, chapters, and reviews were included. In 51% of studies, fatigue was induced through physical exertion, with the rest by mental exertion (27%), or a combination of physical and mental exertion (22%). Only 35% of studies involved sport-specific exertion to induce fatigue, and 29% included measures of participants’ subjective ratings that confirmed the presence of fatigue. Forty-seven percent of perceptual-cognitive tasks were sport-specific, and just 19% assessed perceptual-cognitive performance simultaneous to the fatigue-inducing exertion. Negative, positive, and no effects of fatigue on perceptual-cognitive performance were reported, and these equivocal findings may be attributable to methodological discrepancies between studies. Future research should include more sport-specific designs, as well as stressors other than fatigue, such as environmental and psychosocial stressors.




感知认知表现是开放技能运动的预期和决策需求的基础,但可能会因疲劳而中断。该范围审查旨在描述已知的疲劳对开放技能运动运动员感知认知表现的影响。系统搜索了六个数据库。如果文章涉及开放技能运动运动员、在两个或多个场合评估的感知认知任务,以及通过操作检查确认的急性疲劳诱导,则纳入文章。包括 67 篇研究、章节和评论。在 51% 的研究中,疲劳是由体力消耗引起的,其余是由脑力消耗 (27%) 或体力和脑力消耗共同引起的 (22%)。只有 35% 的研究涉及特定运动引起的疲劳,29% 包括参与者主观评分的测量,证实了疲劳的存在。47% 的知觉认知任务是特定于运动的,只有 19% 的人在疲劳诱发运动的同时评估知觉认知表现。据报道,疲劳对知觉认知表现有负面、正面和无影响,这些模棱两可的发现可能归因于研究之间的方法学差异。未来的研究应该包括更多针对运动的设计,以及疲劳以外的压力源,例如环境和社会心理压力源。只有 19% 的人在进行疲劳诱发的运动的同时评估了知觉认知能力。据报道,疲劳对知觉认知表现有负面、正面和无影响,这些模棱两可的发现可能归因于研究之间的方法学差异。未来的研究应该包括更多针对运动的设计,以及疲劳以外的压力源,例如环境和社会心理压力源。只有 19% 的人在进行疲劳诱发的运动的同时评估了知觉认知能力。据报道,疲劳对知觉认知表现有负面、正面和无影响,这些模棱两可的发现可能归因于研究之间的方法学差异。未来的研究应该包括更多针对运动的设计,以及疲劳以外的压力源,例如环境和社会心理压力源。
