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Understanding experiences with capacity building in the sport for development context
Sport Management Review ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-04 , DOI: 10.1080/14413523.2022.2106722
Christine E. Wegner 1 , Patti Millar 2 , Trevor Bopp 3 , Shannon Kerwin 4


Sport-for-development organizations (SFDs) require capacity to meet their goals and sustain their programming. However, capacity building may need to be imagined differently from other nonprofit organizations, given the distinctiveness of the SFD context. Using Millar and Doherty’s (2016) process model of capacity, we analyze the capacity-building process in an SFD context through a network of organizations engaged in a structured capacity-building program, seeking to understand the role that nuances in the context play to enable and/or constrain from the capacity-building process. Data collected from focus groups, individual interviews, field notes and workshop document(s) revealed that existing human resources capacity and passion for the cause both enabled and constrained capacity building. Furthermore, the burden of building capacity for sport and capacity for developing programming problematized the process. This suggests that capacity building in an SFD context is not a one-size-fits-all proposition and that organizations can benefit from tailored capacity-building initiatives that meet individual needs.




体育促进发展组织 (SFD) 需要能力来实现其目标并维持其计划。然而,鉴于 SFD 背景的独特性,可能需要以不同于其他非营利组织的方式来想象能力建设。使用 Millar 和 Doherty(2016 年)的能力过程模型,我们通过参与结构化能力建设计划的组织网络分析了 SFD 背景下的能力建设过程,试图了解背景中的细微差别所发挥的作用,以实现和/或限制能力建设过程。从焦点小组、个人访谈、现场笔记和研讨会文件中收集的数据表明,现有的人力资源能力和对这一事业的热情既促进又限制了能力建设。此外,建设体育能力和制定计划的能力的负担使这一过程成为问题。这表明 SFD 背景下的能力建设并不是一个放之四海而皆准的提议,组织可以从满足个人需求的量身定制的能力建设计划中受益。
