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Metsulfuron-methyl induced physiological, behavioural and biochemical changes in exotic (Eisenia fetida) and indigenous (Metaphire posthuma) earthworm species: Toxicity and molecular docking studies
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pestbp.2022.105276
Anu Bala Chowdhary 1 , Jaswinder Singh 2 , Jahangir Quadar 1 , Sharanpreet Singh 1 , Atamjit Singh 3 , Rahil Dutta 1 , Deachen Angmo 1 , Adarsh Pal Vig 1

In modern agricultural practices, Metsulfuron-methyl (sulfonylurea herbicide) is widely employed to inhibit the weeds and grasses. The current study revealed that Metaphire posthuma was more sensitive than Eisenia fetida against Metsulfuron-methyl (MSM). The LC50 values for Eisenia fetida were 2884.08 mgkg−1 and 1871.18 mgkg−1after 7 and 14 days, respectively. Similarly, the LC50 values for Metaphire posthuma were 2449.34 mgkg−1 and 1673.10 mgkg−1for 7 and 14 days, respectively. Reproduction parameters were significantly decreased at 400 (T3), 800 (T4) and 1600 (T5) mgkg−1 MSM in E. fetida whereas at 200 (T2), 400 (T3), 800 (T4), 1600 (T5) mgkg−1 MSM in M. posthuma. EC50 of avoidance response for 20% MSM by E. fetida and M. posthuma was recorded 901.76 mgkg−1and 544.21 mgkg−1 respectively. Malondialdehyde (MDA) content along with guaiacol peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities were initially increased up to 21st day by MSM, inducing a slight oxidative stress in earthworms and recovered to control level on 28th day. The GST activities were continuously stimulated throughout the exposure period and enhance the detoxification effect thereby preventing the earthworms from toxins. Molecular docking studies indicated that hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions are key forces in binding between MSM and SOD/CAT/POD/GST. As a result, this is the first study to be reported on physiological, behavioural and biochemical changes in two different earthworm species under the exposure of sulfonyl urea herbicide.


甲磺隆诱导外来 (Eisenia fetida) 和本地 (Metaphire posthuma) 蚯蚓的生理、行为和生化变化:毒性和分子对接研究

在现代农业实践中,甲磺隆(磺酰脲类除草剂)被广泛用于抑制杂草和杂草。目前的研究表明,Metaphire posthumaEisenia fetida对甲磺隆 (MSM) 更敏感。在 7 天和 14 天后,Eisenia fetida的 LC 50值分别为 2884.08 mgkg -1和 1871.18 mgkg -1 。类似地,Metaphire posthuma 的 LC 50值分别为2449.34 mgkg -1和 1673.10 mgkg -1,持续 7 天和 14 天。繁殖参数在 400 (T3)、800 (T4) 和 1600 (T5) mgkg 时显着降低-1 MSM 在E. fetida而在 200 (T2), 400 (T3), 800 (T4), 1600 (T5) mgkg -1 MSM 在M. posthumaE. fetidaM. posthuma对 20% MSM 的回避反应的EC 50记录为 901.76 mgkg -1和 544.21 mgkg -1分别。丙二醛 (MDA) 含量以及愈创木酚过氧化物酶 (POD)、过氧化氢酶 (CAT) 和超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD) 活性最初由 MSM 增加到第 21 天,在蚯蚓中引起轻微的氧化应激,并在第 28 天恢复到对照水平。GST 活性在整个暴露期间不断受到刺激,增强解毒效果,从而防止蚯蚓中毒。分子对接研究表明,氢键和疏水相互作用是 MSM 与 SOD/CAT/POD/GST 结合的关键力量。因此,这是第一项关于磺酰脲除草剂暴露下两种不同蚯蚓的生理、行为和生化变化的研究报告。
