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From “Civilian Clergy to Officer”: Hiring and Training Chaplains for Federal Government Positions
Sociology of Religion ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-03 , DOI: 10.1093/socrel/srac030
Grace Tien 1 , Wendy Cadge 2

This article asks how people hired into federal chaplaincy positions are trained on the job. We find that unlike those hired into positions based on education, knowledge, and skills to date, chaplains are hired—by design—without some of the skills required for the job. Employers do not expect hired chaplains to understand organizational norms and practices, and so we identify strategies like inculcation and embodiment that employers use to help chaplains integrate their religious identity with their new professional identity. Drawing on interviews and archival data, we examine the process of hiring and training for federal chaplains as a case study of religious professionals in secular and pluralistic organizational contexts. This article contributes to and bridges work between scholars of religion and scholars of work and organizations who are interested in processes of hiring and training but do not often consider the role of religion in relation to such processes.



This article asks how people hired into federal chaplaincy positions are trained on the job. We find that unlike those hired into positions based on education, knowledge, and skills to date, chaplains are hired—by design—without some of the skills required for the job. Employers do not expect hired chaplains to understand organizational norms and practices, and so we identify strategies like inculcation and embodiment that employers use to help chaplains integrate their religious identity with their new professional identity. Drawing on interviews and archival data, we examine the process of hiring and training for federal chaplains as a case study of religious professionals in secular and pluralistic organizational contexts. This article contributes to and bridges work between scholars of religion and scholars of work and organizations who are interested in processes of hiring and training but do not often consider the role of religion in relation to such processes.,本文询问受雇担任联邦牧师职位的人如何在工作中接受培训。我们发现,与迄今为止根据教育、知识和技能聘用的职位不同,牧师是按设计聘用的,但没有工作所需的一些技能。雇主不希望聘请的牧师了解组织规范和实践,因此我们确定了雇主用来帮助牧师将他们的宗教身份与其新的职业身份相结合的策略,如灌输和体现。利用访谈和档案数据,我们将联邦牧师的招聘和培训过程作为世俗和多元化组织背景下的宗教专业人士的案例研究。