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Mobility Interrupted: A New Framework for Understanding Anti-Left Sentiment Among Brazil’s “Once-Rising Poor”
Latin American Politics and Society ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-03 , DOI: 10.1017/lap.2022.46
Benjamin Junge , Sean T. Mitchell , Charles H. Klein , Matthew Spearly

How do sequences of upward and downward socioeconomic mobility influence political views among those who have “risen” or “fallen” during periods of leftist governance? While existing studies identify a range of factors, long-term mobility trajectories have been largely unexplored. The question has particular salience in contemporary Brazil, where, after a decade of extraordinary poverty reduction on the watch of the leftist Workers’ Party (PT), a subsequent period of economic and political crises intensified anti-PT sentiment. This article uses original data from the 2016 Brazil’s Once-Rising Poor (BORP) Survey, using a 3-city sample of 822 poor and working-class Brazilians to analyze the relationship between retrospective assessments of prior socioeconomic mobility and anti-PT sentiment. The study found that people who reported a “stalled” mobility sequence (upward mobility followed by static or downward mobility) were more likely to harbor anti-left sentiment than other groups, as measured by this study’s anti-PT index.



社会经济向上和向下流动的顺序如何影响左派统治期间那些“上升”或“下降”的人的政治观点?虽然现有研究确定了一系列因素,但长期流动轨迹在很大程度上尚未得到探索。这个问题在当代巴西尤为突出,在左翼工人党 (PT) 领导下进行了十年非凡的减贫之后,随后的经济和政治危机加剧了反 PT 情绪。本文使用来自 2016 年巴西曾经崛起的穷人 (BORP) 调查的原始数据,使用 3 个城市的 822 名巴西穷人和工人阶级样本来分析对先前社会经济流动性和反 PT 情绪的回顾性评估之间的关系。
