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Ion-Pair Ligand-Assisted Surface Stoichiometry Control of Ag2S Nanocrystals
Chemistry of Materials ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-03 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.2c02038
Yunmo Sung 1 , Wonseok Lee 1 , Eunjae Lee 1 , Young Ho Ko 2 , Sungjee Kim 1, 3

Surface atom stoichiometry is controlled for Ag2S NCs through ion-pair ligand-assisted surface reactions. Predominantly cation-rich-surfaced Ag2S NCs (Ag-Ag2S), anion-rich-surfaced Ag2S NCs (S-Ag2S), and perfectly stoichiometric Ag2S NCs (st-Ag2S) are prepared. Various combinations of cation and anion pairs are studied for Ag2S NC surface reactions. Depending on the hardness/softness of the ion-pair ligands, the NC surface shows disparate reactions of (i) X-type anion replacing native X- and L-type ligands, (ii) binding as the whole ion-pair ligand, and (iii) one-to-one exchange by the positive cation ligand. Ion-pair-assisted surface chemistry enables the synthesis of perfectly stoichiometric-surfaced Ag2S NCs, which shows that the fluorescence intensity increased by more than ten times, and epitaxial ZnS growth on st-Ag2S was enhanced more than three times when compared with non-stoichiometric NCs.


Ag2S 纳米晶体的离子对配体辅助表面化学计量控制

通过离子对配体辅助表面反应控制 Ag 2 S NC的表面原子化学计量。主要是富含阳离子的表面 Ag 2 S NCs (Ag-Ag 2 S)、富含阴离子的表面 Ag 2 S NCs (S-Ag 2 S) 和完全化学计量的 Ag 2 S NCs (st-Ag 2 S)准备好了。研究了 Ag 2的各种阳离子和阴离子对组合S NC 表面反应。根据离子对配体的硬度/软度,NC 表面表现出不同的反应(i)X 型阴离子取代天然 X 型和 L 型配体,(ii)作为整个离子对配体结合,和(iii) 正阳离子配体的一对一交换。离子对辅助表面化学能够合成完美化学计量表面的 Ag 2 S NCs,这表明荧光强度增加了十倍以上,并且 st-Ag 2 S 上的外延 ZnS 生长增强了三倍以上与非化学计量的 NC 相比。