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Spin Seebeck Effect: Sensitive Probe for Elementary Excitation, Spin Correlation, Transport, Magnetic Order, and Domains in Solids
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-01 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-conmatphys-040721-014957
Takashi Kikkawa 1 , Eiji Saitoh 1, 2, 3, 4

The spin Seebeck effect (SSE) refers to the generation of a spin current as a result of a temperature gradient in a magnetic material, which can be detected electrically via the inverse spin Hall effect in a metallic contact. Since the discovery of the SSE in 2008, intensive studies on the SSE have been conducted to elucidate its origin. SSEs appear in a wide range of magnetic materials including ferro-, ferri-, and antiferromagnets and also paramagnets with classical or quantum spin fluctuation. SSE voltage reflects fundamental properties of a magnet, such as elementary excitation, static magnetic order, spin correlation, and spin transport. In this article, we review recent progress on the SSE in various systems, with particular emphasis on its emerging role as a probe of these magnetic properties in solids. We also briefly discuss the recently discovered nuclear SSE.



自旋塞贝克效应 (SSE) 是指磁性材料中的温度梯度产生自旋电流,这可以通过金属触点中的反向自旋霍尔效应进行电气检测。自 2008 年发现 SSE 以来,对 SSE 进行了深入研究以阐明其起源。SSE 出现在各种磁性材料中,包括铁磁体、铁磁体和反铁磁体,以及具有经典或量子自旋波动的顺磁体。SSE 电压反映了磁体的基本特性,例如基本激励、静磁有序、自旋相关和自旋传输。在本文中,我们回顾了各种系统中 SSE 的最新进展,特别强调了它作为固体中这些磁性的探针的新兴作用。我们还简要讨论了最近发现的核 SSE。