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Side-chain structural engineering on poly(terphenyl piperidinium) anion exchange membrane for water electrolysers
Journal of Membrane Science ( IF 8.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-31 , DOI: 10.1016/j.memsci.2022.121135
Lei Liu , Li Bai , Zhiru Liu , Shasha Miao , Ji Pan , Lisha Shen , Yan Shi , Nanwen Li

Suppression of hydroxide ions-induced degradation and the increase of hydroxide conductivity in anion exchange membranes (AEMs) are important for realizing high-current-density and durable AEM water electrolyser (AEMWE). Herein, a strategy for mitigating the degradation of membranes is proposed by both inducing the polymer crystalline and tuning the local hydrophilic environment of organic cations, which is achieved by replacing N-alkyl side chains with hydrophilic and flexible N-oligo (ethylene glycol) (OEG) terminal pendants in comb-shaped poly(terphenyl piperidinium) (PTP) AEM. The experimental and simulation results demonstrate the improved ex-situ alkaline stability as well as excellent mechanical property and high conductivity of membranes. As proof of concept, we study the durability of AEMWEs based on PTP-OEG4 membrane under 1 A cm−2, and a lower degradation rate of the cell is observed compared to the control membrane. Our results reveal that stable and conductive AEMs can be practically achieved by side-chain structural engineering, opening a new avenue toward advanced water electrolysis.



抑制氢氧根离子诱导的降解和增加阴离子交换膜 (AEM) 中的氢氧根电导率对于实现高电流密度和耐用的 AEM 水电解槽 (AEMWE) 非常重要。在此,提出了一种通过诱导聚合物结晶和调节有机阳离子的局部亲水环境来减轻膜降解的策略,这是通过用亲水和柔性的N取代N-烷基侧链来实现的。- 梳状聚(三联苯哌啶)(PTP)AEM 中的寡(乙二醇)(OEG)末端悬垂物。实验和模拟结果表明膜的非原位碱稳定性以及优异的机械性能和高电导率。作为概念验证,我们研究了基于 PTP-OEG4 膜的 AEMWE 在 1 A cm -2下的耐久性,与对照膜相比,观察到电池的降解率较低。我们的研究结果表明,通过侧链结构工程实际上可以实现稳定和导电的 AEM,为先进的水电解开辟了一条新途径。
