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Metal-free boron-assisted Fe(III)/peracetic acid system for ultrafast removal of organic contaminants: Role of crystalline nature and interfacial suboxide boron intermediates
Chemical Engineering Journal ( IF 13.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2022.140049
Chao-Wei Yuan , Chang-Wei Bai , Ke-An Zhu , Xin-Jia Chen , Yi-Jiao Sun , Bin-Bin Zhang , Qi Yang , Fei Chen

Peracetic Acid (PAA) has emerged as an alternative candidate oxidant for H2O2 and persulfate-mediated catalytic oxidation. However, the sluggish kinetics of Fe3+/Fe2+ recycling still severely causes its limited applications. In this work, boron, for the first time, a metal-free and inexpensive co-catalyst, was introduced into the Fe3+/PAA Fenton-like system to remarkably accelerate the Fe2+ regeneration, further facilitating organic wastewater decontamination (an almost 145.0-fold kinetic increase on BPA removal). More excitingly, the crystalline nature of boron significantly modulated the activation system, and the crystalline boron and amorphous boron exhibited contrasting Fe3+ reduction characteristics. The amorphous boron-contained system enabled ultra-fast deterioration of various micro-pollutants. Validation experiments and theoretical calculations demonstrate that the surface B-B bonds with the formed interfacial suboxide boron continuously donated electrons to boost the rapid reduction of Fe3+. This work opens a new research avenue to promote the application of Fe3+-activated PAA systems with high activity in continuity and also guides the development of a new series of co-catalysts in wastewater treatment.


用于超快速去除有机污染物的无金属硼辅助 Fe(III)/过乙酸系统:结晶性质和界面低氧化硼中间体的作用

过氧乙酸 (PAA) 已成为 H 2 O 2和过硫酸盐介导的催化氧化的替代候选氧化剂。然而,Fe 3+ /Fe 2+再循环的缓慢动力学仍然严重导致其应用受限。在这项工作中,硼是一种不含金属且价格低廉的助催化剂,首次将硼引入类 Fe 3+ /PAA Fenton 体系中,显着加速了 Fe 2+的再生,进一步促进了有机废水的去污(一种BPA 去除后动力学增加近 145.0 倍)。更令人兴奋的是,硼的结晶性质显着调节了活化系统,结晶硼和非晶硼表现出对比鲜明的 Fe3+还原特性。无定形含硼系统能够超快速地降解各种微污染物。验证实验和理论计算表明,表面BB键与形成的界面低氧化硼连续提供电子以促进Fe 3+的快速还原。该工作为促进具有高连续活性的Fe 3+活化PAA体系的应用开辟了新的研究途径,同时也指导了一系列新型助催化剂在废水处理中的开发。
