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Care home staff perceptions of implementing a quality of life instrument into routine care practice: A qualitative study.
Health and Social Care in the Community ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-28 , DOI: 10.1111/hsc.14095
Laura J Hughes 1, 2 , Stephanie Daley 1 , Nicolas Farina 1 , Naji Tabet 1 , Sube Banerjee 3

Quality of life is an important outcome in older-adult care. Measuring resident quality of life may offer ways to improve it and to improve quality of care. However, in the UK quality of life is rarely measured as a part of routine care. Our study aimed to understand the views of care home staff about using a quality of life instrument as a part of routine care in order to support its implementation into routine practice. In a qualitative study, we conducted 35 interviews with care home staff and two focus groups with four care home managers from three care homes in East Sussex, England. Data were collected between September 2015 and February 2016. Care staff and managers were aged on average 40 (SD = 12.2) and 43.7 (SD = 14.4) years and had worked in the care sector an average of 11.4 (SD = 10.2) and 23.7 (SD = 14.1) years, respectively. Participants were predominantly female and white British. Interviews and focus groups were analysed using thematic analysis. Findings identified two overarching themes of 'Perceived gains' and 'Implementation'. Overall, there was a lot of positivity towards using a quality of life instrument in routine practice. This positivity was an important feature in how the instrument was perceived as fitting into practice. Participants identified several barriers and discussed how to overcome them. Results from the study demonstrate that routine measurement of quality of life is positively received by care staff. They believed that measuring quality of life as a part of care practice could lead to improvements in resident quality of life, staff knowledge and understanding and care practices. The findings suggest that routinely measuring quality of life as a part of normal care could also have more far-reaching effects on the provision of person-centred care provided by care staff.



生活质量是老年人护理的重要结果。衡量居民的生活质量可能会提供改善生活质量和提高护理质量的方法。然而,在英国,生活质量很少作为日常护理的一部分来衡量。我们的研究旨在了解护理院工作人员对使用生活质量工具作为日常护理的一部分的看法,以支持其在日常实践中的实施。在一项定性研究中,我们对护理院工作人员进行了 35 次访谈,并与来自英格兰东萨塞克斯郡三个护理院的四名护理院经理进行了两个焦点小组访谈。数据收集于 2015 年 9 月至 2016 年 2 月之间。护理人员和管理人员的平均年龄为 40 (SD = 12.2) 和 43.7 (SD = 14.4) 岁,在护理部门的平均工作时间为 11.4 (SD = 10.2) 和 23.7 (SD = 14.1) 年,分别。参与者主要是女性和英国白人。使用主题分析对访谈和焦点小组进行了分析。调查结果确定了“感知收益”和“实施”两个总体主题。总体而言,人们对在日常实践中使用生活质量工具持积极态度。这种积极性是该文书如何被认为适合实践的一个重要特征。与会者确定了几个障碍并讨论了如何克服它们。研究结果表明,护理人员积极接受生活质量的常规测量。他们认为,将衡量生活质量作为护理实践的一部分可以改善居民的生活质量、员工的知识和理解以及护理实践。