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Association between Physical Activity and 32 Chronic Conditions among Spanish Adults.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Pub Date : 2022-10-20 , DOI: 10.3390/ijerph192013596
Guillermo F López Sánchez 1 , Jaime Mendiola Olivares 1 , Alberto M Torres Cantero 1

The objective was to analyse the association between physical activity and the risk of suffering from 32 chronic conditions using a large representative sample of Spanish adults. We utilised the dataset of the last edition of the Spanish National Health Survey, which was conducted in the year 2017. This dataset included a total of 23,089 adults between the ages of 15 and 103 years. The average age was 53.4 years (standard deviation 18.9 years). Regarding sex distribution, 54.1% of the participants were females. The instrument used to measure physical activity was the short form of the international physical activity questionnaire. The question used to evaluate if the participants suffered from chronic conditions was "Have you ever been diagnosed with chronic condition?". This question was asked for 32 different chronic conditions. The association between low levels of physical activity (exposure) and chronic conditions (outcome) was assessed with multivariable logistic regression analyses. The highest prevalence of chronic conditions was found in the group doing less than 600 MET (metabolic equivalent of task)-min/week of physical activity (in 28 of the 32 conditions analyzed). The lowest prevalence was in the group doing at least 1200 MET-min/week (in 30 of the 32). Adjusted multivariable logistic regression analyses showed that less than 600 MET-min/week of physical activity was significantly associated with a higher risk of 19 chronic conditions. All these significant associations, except for hypertension, were also maintained in those doing less than 1200 MET-min/week. In conclusion, higher physical activity is a protective factor against the risk of suffering from chronic conditions, with the lowest prevalence of chronic conditions in people doing more than 1200 MET-min/week. International physical activity guidelines should recommend at least 1200 MET-min/week to prevent the risk of chronic conditions.


西班牙成年人体力活动与 32 种慢性病之间的关联。

目的是利用西班牙成年人的大量代表性样本来分析体力活动与患 32 种慢性病的风险之间的关联。我们使用了 2017 年进行的上一版西班牙国家健康调查的数据集。该数据集总共包括 23,089 名年龄在 15 岁至 103 岁之间的成年人。平均年龄为 53.4 岁(标准差 18.9 岁)。从性别分布来看,54.1%的参与者为女性。用于测量体力活动的工具是国际体力活动问卷的简称。用于评估参与者是否患有慢性病的问题是“您是否曾被诊断出患有慢性病?”。这个问题是针对 32 种不同的慢性病提出的。通过多变量逻辑回归分析评估低水平的体力活动(暴露)和慢性病(结果)之间的关联。慢性病患病率最高的是每周体力活动量低于 600 MET(任务代谢当量)分钟的群体(在分析的 32 种情况中,有 28 种是这样)。患病率最低的是每周至少 1200 MET-min 的组(32 人中的 30 人)。调整后的多变量逻辑回归分析显示,每周低于 600 MET-min 的体力活动与 19 种慢性病的较高风险显着相关。除高血压外,所有这些显着相关性在每周运动量低于 1200 MET-min 的人群中也得以维持。 总之,较高的体力活动是预防慢性病风险的保护因素,每周运动量超过 1200 MET-min 的人患慢性病的患病率最低。国际体育活动指南应建议每周至少 1200 MET-min,以预防慢性病的风险。