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Étale cohomology, purity and formality with torsion coefficients
Journal of Topology ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-27 , DOI: 10.1112/topo.12273
Joana Cirici 1, 2 , Geoffroy Horel 3

We use Galois group actions on étale cohomology to prove results of formality for dg-operads and dg-algebras with torsion coefficients. Our theory applies, among other related objects, to the dg-operad of singular chains of the operad of little disks and to the dg-algebra of singular cochains of the configuration space of points in the complex space. The formality that we obtain is only up to a certain degree, which depends on the cardinality of the field of coefficients.


Étale 上同调,纯度和形式与扭转系数

我们在 étale 上同调上使用伽罗瓦群作用来证明具有扭转系数的 dg-operads 和 dg-algebras 的形式化结果。除其他相关对象外,我们的理论适用于小圆盘运算元的奇异链的 dg-运算元和复空间中点的配置空间的奇异 cochains 的 dg-代数。我们获得的形式只是在一定程度上取决于系数域的基数。