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High-yield, green and scalable methods for producing MOF-303 for water harvesting from desert air
Nature Protocols ( IF 13.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-26 , DOI: 10.1038/s41596-022-00756-w
Zhiling Zheng 1, 2, 3 , Ha L Nguyen 1, 2 , Nikita Hanikel 1, 2 , Kelvin Kam-Yun Li 1, 2 , Zihui Zhou 1, 2 , Tianqiong Ma 1, 2 , Omar M Yaghi 1, 2, 3

Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) are excellent candidates for water harvesting from desert air. MOF-303 (Al(OH)(PZDC), where PZDC is 1-H-pyrazole-3,5-dicarboxylate), a robust and water-stable MOF, is a particularly promising water-harvesting sorbent that can take up water at low relative humidity and release it under mild heating. Accordingly, development of a facile, high-yield synthesis method for its production at scale is highly desirable. Here we report detailed protocols for the green, water-based preparation of MOF-303 on both gram and kilogram scales. Specifically, four synthetic methods (solvothermal, reflux, vessel and microwave), involving different equipment requirements, are presented to guarantee general accessibility. Typically, the solvothermal method takes ~24 h to synthesize MOF-303, while the reflux and vessel methods can reduce the time to 4–8 h. With the microwave-assisted method, the reaction time can be further reduced to just 5 min. In addition, we provide guidance on the characterization of MOF-303, as well as water-harvesting MOFs in general, to ensure high quality of the product in terms of its purity, crystallinity, porosity and water uptake. Furthermore, to address the need for future commercialization of this material, we demonstrate that our protocol can be employed to produce 3.5 kg per batch with a yield of 91%. MOF-303 synthesized at this large scale shows similar crystallinity and water uptake capacity compared to the respective material produced at a small scale. Our synthetic procedure is green and water-based, and can produce the MOF within hours.


用于从沙漠空气中收集水分的 MOF-303 的高产、绿色和可扩展方法

金属有机框架 (MOF) 是从沙漠空气中收集水分的理想选择。MOF-303 (Al(OH)(PZDC),其中 PZDC 为 1- H-pyrazole-3,5-dicarboxylate),一种坚固且水稳定的 MOF,是一种特别有前途的集水吸附剂,可以在低相对湿度下吸收水分,并在适度加热下释放水分。因此,非常需要开发一种简便、高产率的合成方法来大规模生产。在这里,我们报告了在克和千克尺度上绿色、水基制备 MOF-303 的详细协议。具体而言,提出了涉及不同设备要求的四种合成方法(溶剂热法、回流法、容器法和微波法),以保证一般可及性。通常,溶剂热法合成 MOF-303 需要约 24 小时,而回流法和容器法可将时间缩短至 4-8 小时。使用微波辅助方法,反应时间可进一步缩短至仅 5 分钟。此外,我们提供有关 MOF-303 以及一般集水 MOF 表征的指导,以确保产品在纯度、结晶度、孔隙率和吸水性方面的高质量。此外,为了解决这种材料未来商业化的需要,我们证明我们的协议可以用于每批次生产 3.5 千克,产率为 91%。与小规模生产的相应材料相比,大规模合成的 MOF-303 显示出相似的结晶度和吸水能力。我们的合成程序是绿色和水基的,可以在数小时内生产出 MOF。为了解决这种材料未来商业化的需要,我们证明我们的协议可以用于每批次生产 3.5 千克,产率为 91%。与小规模生产的相应材料相比,大规模合成的 MOF-303 显示出相似的结晶度和吸水能力。我们的合成程序是绿色和水基的,可以在数小时内生产出 MOF。为了解决这种材料未来商业化的需要,我们证明我们的协议可以用于每批次生产 3.5 千克,产率为 91%。与小规模生产的相应材料相比,大规模合成的 MOF-303 显示出相似的结晶度和吸水能力。我们的合成程序是绿色和水基的,可以在数小时内生产出 MOF。
