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Ultralight and Resilient Bicontinuous Si3N4/SiC Nanowire Network for Tunable and Highly Efficient Electromagnetic Wave Absorption in Extreme Conditions
Advanced Materials Interfaces ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-26 , DOI: 10.1002/admi.202201553
Zhixin Cai 1 , Lei Su 1 , Min Niu 1 , Lei Wang 1 , Zhentao Ni 1 , Hongjie Wang 1 , Kang Peng 1 , Lei Zhuang 1

Developing tunable and highly efficient electromagnetic wave (EMW) absorbers with low density is crucial for the development of wireless telecommunications devices in extreme conditions. SiC ceramic has received much attention because of its dielectric tenability, low density, and chemical stability. However, the present SiC-based materials usually show limited EMW absorbing performance than they are expected. Herein, an ultralight and resilient bicontinuous Si3N4/SiC network (8 mg cm−3) composed of EMW-transparent Si3N4 microbelts and EMW-absorption SiC nanowires is designed and prepared to achieve improved impedance matching and EMW attenuation capacity. The optimized bicontinuous network exhibits a broad effective absorption bandwidth of 8.62 GHz and a strong RLmin of −52.31 dB. Furthermore, the resulting bicontinuous Si3N4/SiC network, with thickness of 6 mm, shows a tunable absorption bandwidth ranging from 5.36 to 18 GHz by resilient action. It also exhibits excellent thermal stability (up to 1000 °C), thermal shock resistance (from −196 to 900 °C), and thermal insulation performance (32 Mw m−1 K−1), enabling it to be an ideal candidate for EMW absorption in extreme environments.


超轻弹性双连续 Si3N4/SiC 纳米线网络,用于极端条件下的可调谐高效电磁波吸收

开发低密度的可调谐高效电磁波 (EMW) 吸收器对于极端条件下无线电信设备的开发至关重要。SiC陶瓷因其介电稳定性、低密度和化学稳定性而备受关注。然而,目前的 SiC 基材料通常表现出比预期有限的 EMW 吸收性能。在此,由 EMW 透明的 Si 3 N 4组成的超轻弹性双连续 Si 3 N 4 /SiC 网络(8 mg cm -3 )设计并制备了微带和 EMW 吸收 SiC 纳米线,以实现改进的阻抗匹配和 EMW 衰减能力。优化后的双连续网络具有 8.62 GHz 的宽有效吸收带宽和 −52.31 dB 的强 RLmin。此外,由此产生的厚度为 6 mm 的双连续 Si 3 N 4 /SiC 网络显示出通过弹性作用在 5.36 至 18 GHz 范围内的可调吸收带宽。它还具有出色的热稳定性(高达 1000 °C)、抗热震性(-196 至 900 °C)和隔热性能(32 Mw m −1 K −1),使其成为理想的候选材料极端环境中的 EMW 吸收。