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Health and social care practitioners' experiences of exercising professional curiosity in child protection practice: An integrative review
Health and Social Care in the Community ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-25 , DOI: 10.1111/hsc.14088
Christine E Muirden 1 , Jane V Appleton 2

This integrative review aims to evaluate the experiences of health and social care practitioners with regard to how they exercise professional curiosity in child protection practice. Professional curiosity gained significant currency following the Munro Review of Child Protection (2010) in England, as a means of seeking clarity on what is happening within a family. However, a recurrent finding from child safeguarding practice reviews is that practitioners continue to struggle to exercise curiosity. This is evident within both the United Kingdom and international literature, although descriptors for the concept may differ. This study attempted to identify facilitators and barriers to applying professional curiosity to provide a greater understanding of this theoretical concept. Title and abstract review of 1428 articles identified from databases and 11 from other sources resulted in 52 papers for full-text review. The quality of each article was appraised using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme tool for qualitative studies, the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) for quantitative/mixed method studies and the Joanna Briggs framework for theoretical/opinion papers. Key findings were recorded in the Summary Table of Literature Reviewed. Data extracts were thematically analysed. Twenty-four papers predominantly from the UK, but also from Australia, Italy, Sweden and USA formed the data set. Overarching themes that emerged from the thematic analysis included: noticing dissonance, emitting curiosity, constructing meaning, facilitators, individual professional challenges, organisational and macro-level influences and conceptual development. This review demonstrated that professional curiosity is multifaceted and involves a whole system approach, from empowered, knowledgeable and competent frontline practitioners to creative, innovative and empathic organisations, that value staff contributions and place the child's best interests at the forefront of service development. Recommendations are made for practice and further research.



这项综合审查旨在评估健康和社会保健从业人员在如何在儿童保护实践中发挥专业好奇心方面的经验。职业好奇心在英格兰的 Munro 儿童保护评论(2010 年)之后获得了广泛关注,作为一种寻求澄清家庭内部正在发生的事情的方式。然而,儿童保护实践审查的一个反复发现是,从业者继续努力培养好奇心。这在英国和国际文献中都很明显,尽管对该概念的描述可能有所不同。本研究试图找出应用专业好奇心的促进因素和障碍,以更好地理解这一理论概念。对从数据库中识别出的 1428 篇文章和从其他来源识别出的 11 篇文章进行标题和摘要审查,产生了 52 篇论文进行全文审查。每篇文章的质量都使用用于定性研究的批判性评估技能计划工具、用于定量/混合方法研究的混合方法评估工具 (MMAT) 和用于理论/意见论文的 Joanna Briggs 框架进行评估。主要发现记录在文献综述汇总表中。对数据提取物进行了专题分析。主要来自英国,但也来自澳大利亚、意大利、瑞典和美国的 24 篇论文构成了数据集。主题分析中出现的总体主题包括:注意不协调、发出好奇心、构建意义、促进者、个人职业挑战、组织和宏观层面的影响和概念发展。该审查表明,专业好奇心是多方面的,涉及一个完整的系统方法,从有能力、知识渊博和称职的一线从业者到创造性、创新性和同理心的组织,这些组织重视员工的贡献,并将儿童的最大利益置于服务发展的最前沿。为实践和进一步研究提出了建议。