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Brutalised, Broken and Betrayed
International Journal of Military History and Historiography ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-27 , DOI: 10.1163/24683302-bja10043
Sam Edwards 1

This article examines how the British Falklands veteran was depicted in three late 1980s films: Resurrected (1989), Tumbledown (1988) and For Queen and Country (1989). Like many contemporaneous depictions of American Vietnam veterans, all three productions explore the difficult homecoming of the “returning soldier”, paying close attention to questions of health, well-being, national identity, class and race. To this extent, all three films “use” the figure of the veteran for pointed social and political commentary, with the mores and values of 1980s Britain the subject of engaged critique: from unemployment and the collapse of class solidarity, to the pettiness of government bureaucracy, to the racism of the State and its agents. In doing so, 1980s era depictions of the Falklands veteran established a powerful template which continues to shape and inform perceptions of the “stigmatized veteran” in contemporary British culture.



本文探讨了 1980 年代后期的三部影片如何描绘这位英国福克兰群岛退伍军人:复活 (1989)、翻滚 (1988) 和为了女王和国家 (1989)). 与同时代许多对美国越战老兵的描写一样,这三部作品都探讨了“回国士兵”艰难的归乡之路,密切关注健康、福祉、民族认同、阶级和种族等问题。就此而言,这三部电影都“使用”退伍军人的形象进行尖锐的社会和政治评论,以 1980 年代英国的习俗和价值观作为参与批评的主题:从失业和阶级团结的崩溃,到政府的琐碎官僚主义,国家及其代理人的种族主义。通过这样做,1980 年代对福克兰退伍军人的描述建立了一个强大的模板,继续塑造和传达当代英国文化中对“被污名化的退伍军人”的看法。