Chemical Papers ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-22 , DOI: 10.1007/s11696-022-02536-y Habib Shoeibi , Mehdi Mehrpooya , Ehsanolah Assaerh , Mohsen Izadi , Fathollah Pourfayaz
This study investigated the heat pump system connected to the solar collector. The purpose of this study is to determine the amount of energy consumption and exergy and system performance. This system uses high-temperature heat pumps. In this paper, energy-based and exergy currents from the primary energy source to the consumer are plotted by using Sankey and Grassmann diagrams. In this article, Sankey (enthalpy flow) and Grassmann (exergy flow) diagrams of a heat pump connected to a solar collector were investigated. The results show that stream number 12 has the highest amount of exergy of the streams and the exergy destruction of the solar collector is more than other equipment and the highest energy rate is related to stream 11. Exergy analysis in thermal energy systems is very important due to the location and degree of inefficiency of the system equipment. Exergy analysis shows that the highest amount of exergy of currents with 367,092 kW is related to the inlet current of the tank and the highest amount of exergy damage of 15,563 kW equipments is related to the solar collector. This exergy destruction for solar collectors with temperature changes throughout the year with the lowest destruction in July at 14,342 kW and the highest exergy destruction at 15,678 kW is related to June. Among the rotating equipments, the most exergy damage is related to the compressor (k101) water heat transfer cycle. By changing the exergy efficiency, the amount of exergy destruction is significantly reduced.

本研究调查了连接到太阳能集热器的热泵系统。本研究的目的是确定能源消耗量和火用以及系统性能。该系统使用高温热泵。在本文中,使用桑基图和格拉斯曼图绘制了从一次能源到消费者的基于能量的电流和火用电流。在本文中,研究了连接到太阳能集热器的热泵的 Sankey(焓流)和 Grassmann(火用流)图。结果表明,12号流的火用量是流中最高的,太阳能集热器的火用破坏比其他设备多,能量率最高的与11流有关。由于系统设备的位置和低效程度,热能系统中的火用分析非常重要。火用分析表明,367,092 kW 电流的最大火用与水箱入口电流有关,15,563 kW 设备的火用损坏最高与太阳能集热器有关。太阳能集热器全年温度变化的这种火用破坏,7 月的最低破坏为 14,342 千瓦,最高的火用破坏为 15,678 千瓦,与 6 月有关。在旋转设备中,火用损坏最多的是压缩机(k101)水传热循环。通过改变火用效率,火用破坏量显着减少。火用分析表明,367,092 kW 电流的最大火用与水箱入口电流有关,15,563 kW 设备的火用损坏最高与太阳能集热器有关。太阳能集热器全年温度变化的这种火用破坏,7 月的最低破坏为 14,342 千瓦,最高的火用破坏为 15,678 千瓦,与 6 月有关。在旋转设备中,火用损坏最多的是压缩机(k101)水传热循环。通过改变火用效率,火用破坏量显着减少。火用分析表明,367,092 kW 电流的最大火用与水箱入口电流有关,15,563 kW 设备的火用损坏最高与太阳能集热器有关。太阳能集热器全年温度变化的这种火用破坏,7 月的最低破坏为 14,342 千瓦,最高的火用破坏为 15,678 千瓦,与 6 月有关。在旋转设备中,火用损坏最多的是压缩机(k101)水传热循环。通过改变火用效率,火用破坏量显着减少。太阳能集热器全年温度变化的这种火用破坏,7 月的最低破坏为 14,342 千瓦,最高的火用破坏为 15,678 千瓦,与 6 月有关。在旋转设备中,火用损坏最多的是压缩机(k101)水传热循环。通过改变火用效率,火用破坏量显着减少。太阳能集热器全年温度变化的这种火用破坏,7 月的最低破坏为 14,342 千瓦,最高的火用破坏为 15,678 千瓦,与 6 月有关。在旋转设备中,火用损坏最多的是压缩机(k101)水传热循环。通过改变火用效率,火用破坏量显着减少。