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Ionic Modulation at the LaAlO3/KTaO3 Interface for Extreme High-Mobility Two-Dimensional Electron Gas
Advanced Materials Interfaces ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-20 , DOI: 10.1002/admi.202201633
Hong Yan 1 , Shengwei Zeng 1 , Km Rubi 2, 3 , Ganesh Ji Omar 1 , Zhaoting Zhang 1 , Michel Goiran 2 , Walter Escoffier 2 , Ariando Ariando 1

Due to the coexistence of many emergent phenomena, including 2D superconductivity and a large Rashba spin-orbit coupling, 5d transition metal oxides-based two-dimensional electron systems (2DESs) have been prospected as one of the potential intrants for modern electronics. However, despite the lighter electron mass, the mobility of carriers, a key requisite for high-performance devices, in 5d-oxides devices remains far behind their 3d-oxides analogs. The carriers’ mobility in these oxides is significantly hampered by the inevitable presence of defects. Here, very high mobility (≈22 650 cm2 V−1 s−1) of 5d-2DES confined at the LaAlO3/KTaO3 interface is reported. The high mobility, which is beyond the values observed in SrTiO3 2DESs in the same carrier-density range, is achieved using the ionic-liquid gating at room temperature. The authors postulate that the ionic-liquid gating affects the oxygen vacancies and efficiently reduces any disorder at the interface. Investigating density and mobility in a broad range of back-gate voltage, the authors reveal that the mobility follows the power-law µ ∝ n1.2, indicating the very high quality of ionic-liquid-gated LaAlO3/KTaO3 devices, consistent with the postulate. Furthermore, the analysis of the quantum oscillations confirms that the high-mobility electrons occupy the electronic sub-bands emerging from the Ta:5d orbitals of KTaO3.


LaAlO3/KTaO3 界面的离子调制用于极高迁移率二维电子气

由于许多新兴现象的共存,包括 2D 超导性和大型 Rashba 自旋轨道耦合,基于 5d 过渡金属氧化物的二维电子系统 (2DES) 被认为是现代电子学的潜在内在因素之一。然而,尽管电子质量较轻,载流子的迁移率是高性能器件的关键要求,但在 5d 氧化物器件中仍然远远落后于其 3d 氧化物类似物。载流子在这些氧化物中的迁移率受到不可避免的缺陷的严重阻碍。在这里,5d-2DES 的非常高的迁移率 (≈22 650 cm 2 V -1 s -1 ) 被限制在 LaAlO 3 /KTaO 3界面被举报。在室温下使用离子液体门控实现了在相同载流子密度范围内超过在 SrTiO 3 2DES中观察到的值的高迁移率。作者假设离子液体门控会影响氧空位并有效减少界面处的任何紊乱。通过研究广泛的背栅电压范围内的密度和迁移率,作者发现迁移率遵循幂律 µ  ∝  n 1.2,表明离子液体门控 LaAlO 3 /KTaO 3的质量非常高设备,符合假设。此外,对量子振荡的分析证实,高迁移率电子占据了从 KTaO 3的 Ta:5d 轨道出现的电子子带。