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Advocacy, Misdirection, Protest, and Exit: Strategies of Aspiration and Anxiety amid Crime and Conflict in Putumayo
Latin American Politics and Society ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-21 , DOI: 10.1017/lap.2022.35
Enrique Desmond Arias , Liliana Duica-Amaya

This essay examines how the inhabitants of Putumayo, a department of Colombia both divided and held together by licit and illicit authority structures and markets, engage with varied political orders as they advance individual and collective economic and political projects. Putumayo’s inhabitants adopt four basic strategies to maintain their often illicit livelihoods amid state repression. The first is intellectual resistance, wherein they develop explanations for their involvement in illicit markets that they can use to alter local and national state behavior. The second is protest, through which groups of peasants mobilize to support their illicit but socially normalized economic endeavors. A third is evasion or malicia, in which peasants seek to strategically adhere to state policy to misdirect the state as they continue to grow coca. Fourth, some peasants pursue a strategy of exit, going deeper into the jungle in search of land where they can peacefully grow coca.


宣传、误导、抗议和退出:Putumayo 的犯罪和冲突中的渴望和焦虑策略

这篇文章探讨了 Putumayo(哥伦比亚的一个省)的居民在推进个人和集体经济和政治项目时如何被合法和非法的权威结构和市场分裂和结合在一起,如何参与不同的政治秩序。Putumayo 的居民采取了四种基本策略,以在国家镇压下维持他们经常非法的生计。第一个是智力抵制,他们在其中为自己参与非法市场做出解释,他们可以用这些解释来改变当地和国家的行为。第二种是抗议,农民团体通过抗议动员起来支持他们非法但社会正常化的经济努力。第三种是逃避或恶意,农民在继续种植古柯的同时寻求战略性地遵守国家政策以误导国家。第四,