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Illegal Housing in Medellín: Autoconstruction and the Materiality of Hope
Latin American Politics and Society ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-21 , DOI: 10.1017/lap.2022.31
Adam Moore , Flávio Eiró , Martijn Koster

Drawing on ethnographic research in El Oasis, a highly precarious self-built settlement in Medellín, Colombia, this article examines the illegal practice of autoconstruction as a material expression of hope. It focuses on the multilayered, symbolic meaning of self-built housing, as it represents the pursuit of dignity, permanence, and agency—as opposed to poverty, uncertainty, and lack of agency—and an active and material form of hoping for a better future in the city. The state plays an ambiguous role in residents’ perspectives, who conceive of it, simultaneously, as a threat to and a guarantor of their future in the city. This ambiguity becomes materialized in the physical form of residents’ self-built housing, as residents either embrace or refrain from making improvements to their houses in response to shifting perceptions about the state’s intentions regarding the future of the settlement.



本文借鉴了对 El Oasis 的民族志研究,El Oasis 是哥伦比亚麦德林一个高度不稳定的自建定居点,将非法的汽车建造实践作为希望的物质表达进行了审视。它侧重于自建住房的多层次象征意义,因为它代表了对尊严、永久和能动性的追求——与贫困、不确定性和缺乏能动性相反——以及一种积极的物质形式,希望生活更美好城市的未来。国家在居民的观点中扮演着模棱两可的角色,他们同时将其视为对城市未来的威胁和保障。这种模糊性具体化在居民自建房的物理形态上,