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The Politics of Private Violence: How Intimate Partner Violence Victimization Influences Political Attitudes
Latin American Politics and Society ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-21 , DOI: 10.1017/lap.2022.26
Helen Rabello Kras

This study examines the relationship between personal experience with intimate partner violence (IPV) and political attitudes. I argue that by adopting salient legislation on violence against women, the state enables survivors to evaluate government performance on the basis of their ability to access resources for victims. As such, when survivors are unable to reach specialized public services, they might downgrade their evaluations of government performance. Focusing on Brazil and using survey data and qualitative interviews, this study finds that IPV survivors who have not used specialized services hold more negative views of government performance compared to nonvictims. Further analysis, including a series of placebo tests, lends additional support to the main results. This study has an intersectional component, as it also examines the relationship between race and access to services. These findings have implications for victims’ democratic rights and access to justice.



本研究探讨了亲密伴侣暴力 (IPV) 的个人经历与政治态度之间的关系。我认为,通过针对针对妇女的暴力行为制定重要的立法,国家可以让幸存者根据他们为受害者获得资源的能力来评估政府的表现。因此,当幸存者无法获得专门的公共服务时,他们可能会降低对政府绩效的评价。本研究以巴西为重点,使用调查数据和定性访谈,发现与非受害者相比,未使用过专门服务的 IPV 幸存者对政府绩效持有更多负面看法。进一步的分析,包括一系列安慰剂测试,为主要结果提供了额外的支持。这项研究有一个交叉部分,因为它还研究了种族和获得服务之间的关系。这些调查结果对受害者的民主权利和诉诸司法具有影响。