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Understanding Turkey Management in the Mimbres Valley of Southwestern New Mexico Using Ancient Mitochondrial DNA and Stable Isotopes
American Antiquity ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-21 , DOI: 10.1017/aaq.2022.81
Sean G. Dolan , Andrew T. Ozga , Karl W. Laumbach , John Krigbaum , Aurélie Manin , Christopher W. Schwartz , Anne C. Stone , Kelly J. Knudson

In the US Southwest and Northwest Mexico, people and turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) have had a reciprocal relationship for millennia; turkeys supplied feathers, meat, and other resources, whereas people provided food, shelter, and care. To investigate how turkeys fit within subsistence, economic production, sociopolitical organization, and religious and ritual practice in the Mimbres Valley of southwestern New Mexico, we report on genetic (mtDNA) and stable isotope (δ13C, δ15N) data from turkeys recovered from Mimbres Classic period (AD 1000–1130) sites. Results indicate that Mimbres aviculturists had haplogroup H1 and H2 turkeys, and most ate maize-based diets similar to humans, but some ate nonmaize and mixed diets. We contextualize these data to other turkey studies from the northern Southwest and discuss how the human-turkey relationship began, the evidence for pens and restricting turkey movement, and the socioecological factors related to turkey management during the Classic period, particularly the challenges associated with providing maize to turkeys during times of environmental stress. This study has broad relevance to places where people managed wild, tame, and domestic animals, and we offer new insights into how prehispanic, small-scale, middle-range agricultural societies managed turkeys for ritual and utilitarian purposes.


使用古代线粒体 DNA 和稳定同位素了解新墨西哥州西南部 Mimbres 山谷的火鸡管理

在美国西南部和墨西哥西北部,人与火鸡 ( Meleagris gallopavo ) 有着数千年的互惠关系;火鸡提供羽毛、肉和其他资源,而人则提供食物、住所和照顾。为了调查火鸡如何适应新墨西哥州西南部 Mimbres 山谷的生计、经济生产、社会政治组织以及宗教和仪式实践,我们报告了遗传 (mtDNA) 和稳定同位素 (δ 13 C, δ 15N) 从 Mimbres Classic 时期(公元 1000-1130 年)遗址中恢复的火鸡数据。结果表明,Mimbres 鸟类养殖者拥有单倍群 H1 和 H2 火鸡,并且大多数吃与人类相似的以玉米为基础的饮食,但有些人吃非玉米和混合饮食。我们将这些数据与西南部北部的其他火鸡研究联系起来,讨论人与火鸡关系是如何开始的、围栏和限制火鸡移动的证据,以及与古典时期火鸡管理相关的社会生态因素,特别是与提供火鸡相关的挑战在环境压力时期将玉米喂给火鸡。这项研究与人们管理野生、驯养和家养动物的地方具有广泛的相关性,我们提供了关于前西班牙裔、小规模、
