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High Resolution Photoelectron Spectroscopy of the Acetyl Anion
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-21 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.2c06214
Martin DeWitt 1 , Mark C Babin 1 , Jascha A Lau 1 , Tonia Solomis 1 , Daniel M Neumark 1, 2

High-resolution photoelectron spectra of cryogenically cooled acetyl anions (CH3CO) obtained using slow photoelectron velocity-map imaging are reported. The high resolution of the photoelectron spectrum yields a refined electron affinity of 0.4352 ± 0.0012 eV for the acetyl radical as well as the observation of a new vibronic structure that is assigned based on ab initio calculations. Three vibrational frequencies of the neutral radical are measured to be 1047 ± 3 cm–16), 834 ± 2 cm–17), and 471 ± 1 cm–18). This work represents the first experimental measurement of the ν6 frequency of the neutral. The measured electron affinity is used to calculate a refined value of 1641.35 ± 0.42 kJ mol–1 for the gas-phase acidity of acetaldehyde. Analysis of the photoelectron angular distributions provides insight into the character of the highest occupied molecular orbital of the anion, revealing a molecular orbital with strong d-character. Additionally, details of a new centroiding algorithm based on finite differences, which has the potential to decrease data acquisition times by an order of magnitude at no cost to accuracy, are provided.



报告了使用慢速光电子速度图成像获得的低温冷却乙酰阴离子 (CH 3 CO )的高分辨率光电子光谱。光电子光谱的高分辨率为乙酰基产生了 0.4352 ± 0.0012 eV 的精细电子亲和力,并观察到了基于从头计算分配的新振动电子结构。中性自由基的三个振动频率被测量为 1047 ± 3 cm –16 )、834 ± 2 cm –17 ) 和 471 ± 1 cm –18 )。这项工作代表了 ν 6的第一次实验测量中性线的频率。测得的电子亲和力用于计算乙醛气相酸度的精确值 1641.35 ± 0.42 kJ mol –1 。光电子角分布的分析提供了对阴离子最高占据分子轨道特征的深入了解,揭示了具有强 d 特征的分子轨道。此外,还提供了基于有限差分的新质心算法的详细信息,该算法有可能将数据采集时间减少一个数量级,而不会降低准确性。