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Backlighting and Occlusion
Mind ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-21 , DOI: 10.1093/mind/fzac031
Søren Overgaard 1

In the philosophy of perception, objects are typically frontlit. But according to Roy Sorensen, backlit objects have surprising lessons to teach us about perception. In backlit conditions, ‘the principles of occlusion are reversed’, Sorensen (2008, p. 25) maintains. In particular, he claims we see the back surfaces of backlit objects. But as I argue in this paper, Sorensen’s arguments in support of those claims are flawed. After criticizing Sorensen’s arguments, I attempt to address a residual puzzle about backlit objects. The upshot of the paper is that cases of backlighting do have important philosophical lessons to teach us after all – lessons concerning the notion of perceptual occlusion.



在感知哲学中,物体通常是正面照的。但根据 Roy Sorensen 的说法,背光物体可以教给我们关于感知的惊人课程。Sorensen (2008, p. 25) 坚持认为,在背光条件下,“遮挡原理是相反的”。特别是,他声称我们看到了背光物体的背面。但正如我在本文中所论证的那样,索伦森支持这些主张的论点是有缺陷的。在批评了 Sorensen 的论点之后,我试图解决关于背光物体的残余难题。这篇论文的结果是,背光的案例毕竟确实有重要的哲学教训可以教给我们——关于感知遮挡概念的教训。