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Women online: A study of Common Service Centres in India using a capability approach
Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-20 , DOI: 10.1002/app5.360
Meenakshi Rajeev 1 , Supriya Bhandarkar 1

Income-generating activities by women are an effective means of reducing gender-based deprivation and disparities. In the constrained familial and community settings of developing economies, online platforms can be an appropriate means for women to carry out economic activities. In this context, important initiatives taken by the Government of India, such as the Common Service Centres scheme, are worth studying. This paper critically evaluates such revolutionary online platform–based entrepreneurial initiatives using the capability approach developed by Amartya Sen. We examine through case studies how women-run businesses use online platforms and what determines their success, inputs, capabilities, and conversion factors. Further, national enterprise-level data from Indiaʼs National Sample Survey Office are analysed to show that states with a higher level of gender inequality are also the regions with a lower level of information and communications technology usage by women-run enterprises.



妇女的创收活动是减少基于性别的剥夺和差距的有效手段。在发展中经济体受限的家庭和社区环境中,在线平台可以成为女性开展经济活动的合适方式。在此背景下,印度政府采取的重要举措,如共同服务中心计划,值得研究。本文使用 Amartya Sen 开发的能力方法批判性地评估了这种革命性的基于在线平台的创业计划。我们通过案例研究研究了女性经营的企业如何使用在线平台,以及是什么决定了她们的成功、投入、能力和转换因素。更远,