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Electrochemical Conversion of CO2 from Direct Air Capture Solutions
Energy & Fuels ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-19 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.2c02623
Oriol Gutiérrez-Sánchez 1, 2 , Bert de Mot 1 , Nick Daems 1 , Metin Bulut 2 , Jan Vaes 2, 3 , Deepak Pant 2, 4 , Tom Breugelmans 1, 4

Integrating alkaline capture of CO2 from air with electrochemical conversion of the obtained (bi)carbonate solution is among the most promising strategies in carbon capture and utilization (CCU) technologies. Thus far, this approach has received little or no attention because of the challenging conversions of CO2 from bicarbonate solutions because of the parasitic hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). Very recently, thanks to the advances in reactor design and the understanding of the mechanism of bicarbonate electrolysis, promising results were obtained in terms of performance (i.e., >60% FE toward formate or CO at >50 mA cm–2) and as such provided us with the required know-how to, for the first time, construct and validate a proof-of-concept experimental setup where CO2 is captured from air, in the form of a (bi)carbonate solution, through direct air capture and then converted to formate and CO in a zero-gap flow electrolyzer. The presented results provide a new opportunity for upscaling the electrochemical conversion of CO2, since integrating the capture and the conversion steps is a crucial step to enhance the economic feasibility of the CCU technology (energy-intensive CO2 separation can be avoided) and thus increase its chances of industrial implementation.


来自直接空气捕获解决方案的 CO2 的电化学转化

将空气中 CO 2的碱性捕获与所获得的碳酸氢盐溶液的电化学转化相结合是碳捕获和利用 (CCU) 技术中最有前景的策略之一。迄今为止,由于寄生析氢反应 (HER) 从碳酸氢盐溶液中转化 CO 2具有挑战性,这种方法很少或没有受到关注。最近,由于反应器设计的进步和​​对碳酸氢盐电解机理的理解,在性能方面获得了有希望的结果(即,在 >50 mA cm –2时,对甲酸盐或 CO 的 FE >60%) 并因此为我们首次构建和验证概念验证实验装置提供了所需的专业知识,其中 CO 2以碳酸氢盐溶液的形式从空气中捕获,通过直接捕获空气,然后在零间隙流量电解槽中转化为甲酸盐和 CO。所呈现的结果为扩大 CO 2的电化学转化提供了新的机会,因为集成捕获和转化步骤是提高 CCU 技术经济可行性的关键步骤(可以避免能源密集型的 CO 2分离),因此增加其工业化实施的机会。