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How cynicism and exhaustion influence the turnover intention of medical social workers: moderation effect of social work educational background and organizational type
Social Work in Health Care ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-19 , DOI: 10.1080/00981389.2022.2134273
Huan Zhang 1 , Qiong Xie 2 , Jiachen Zou 1


Although exhaustion and cynicism are two dimensions of burnout, due to professionalism, they have different influence on the turnover intentions of medical social workers. Using a sample of 405 medical social workers in China, this study found that the influence mechanisms of exhaustion and cynicism on turnover intention are different. Social work educational background has a significant moderation effect on the relationships between exhaustion, cynicism, and turnover intention. A moderation effect of organizational type was also observed, although it was not significant.
