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A binocular perception deficit characterizes prey pursuit in developing mice
iScience ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.105368
Kelsey Allen 1 , Rocio Gonzalez-Olvera 1 , Milen Kumar 1 , Ting Feng 1 , Simon Pieraut 1 , Jennifer L Hoy 1

Integration of binocular information at the cellular level has long been studied in the mouse model to uncover the fundamental developmental mechanisms underlying mammalian vision. However, we lack an understanding of the corresponding ontogeny of visual behavior in mice that relies on binocular integration. To address this major outstanding question, we quantified the natural visually guided behavior of postnatal day 21 (P21) and adult mice using a live prey capture assay and a computerized-spontaneous perception of objects task (C-SPOT). We found a robust and specific binocular visual field processing deficit in P21 mice as compared to adults that corresponded to a selective increase in c-Fos expression in the anterior superior colliculus (SC) of the juveniles after C-SPOT. These data link a specific binocular perception deficit in developing mice to activity changes in the SC.



长期以来,人们一直在小鼠模型中研究细胞水平上的双眼信息整合,以揭示哺乳动物视觉的基本发育机制。然而,我们对依赖双眼整合的小鼠视觉行为的相应个体发育缺乏了解。为了解决这个主要的悬而未决的问题,我们使用活体猎物捕获测定和计算机自发物体感知任务(C-SPOT)来量化出生后第 21 天(P21)和成年小鼠的自然视觉引导行为。我们发现,与成年小鼠相比,P21 小鼠存在强烈且特异性的双眼视野处理缺陷,这与 C-SPOT 后幼年小鼠前上丘 (SC) 中 c-Fos 表达的选择性增加相对应。这些数据将发育中小鼠的特定双眼感知缺陷与 SC 的活动变化联系起来。