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The Ecological Resonance of Imogen’s Journey in Montana’s Parks
New Theatre Quarterly ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-18 , DOI: 10.1017/s0266464x22000227
Gretchen E. Minton , Mikey Gray

In this article Gretchen Minton and Mikey Gray discuss an adaptation of Shakespeare’s tragicomedy Cymbeline that toured Montana and surrounding states in the summer of 2021. Minton’s sections describe the eco-feminist aims of this production, which was part of an international project called ‘Cymbeline in the Anthropocene’, showing how the costumes, set design, and especially the emphasis upon the female characters created generative ways of thinking about the relationship between the human and the more-than-human worlds. Gray’s first-person narrative at the end of each section reflects upon her role of Imogen as she participated in an extensive summer tour across the Intermountain West and engaged with audience members about their own relationship to both theatre and the natural world. This is a story of transformation through environmentally inflected Shakespeare performance during the time of a global pandemic.Gretchen E. Minton is Professor of English at Montana State University, Bozeman, and editor of several early modern plays, including Timon of Athens, Troilus and Cressida, Twelfth Night, and The Revenger’s Tragedy. She is the dramaturg and script adaptor for Montana Shakespeare in the Parks and the co-founder of Montana InSite Theatre. Her directorial projects include A Doll’s House, Timon of Anaconda (see NTQ 145, February 2021), Shakespeare’s Walking Story, and Shakespeare for the Birds. Mikey Gray received her BA in Theatre and Performance from Bard College, New York, with a conservatory semester at NIDA (National Institute of Dramatic Art) in Sydney. She has performed in four productions with Montana Shakespeare in the Parks, while other actor engagements include Chicago Shakespeare Theater, American Conservatory Theater, Strawdog Theater Company, The Passage Theatre, and McCarter Theatre Center.



在这篇文章中,Gretchen Minton 和 Mikey Gray 讨论了莎士比亚悲喜剧的改编辛白林于 2021 年夏天在蒙大拿州及周边各州巡回演出。明顿的部分描述了这部作品的生态女权主义目标,这是一个名为“辛白林在“人类世”中,展示了服装、布景设计,尤其是对女性角色的强调如何创造了思考人类与非人类世界之间关系的生成方式。格雷在每个部分末尾的第一人称叙述都反映了她扮演的伊莫金的角色,她参加了横跨西部山区的广泛夏季巡演,并与观众就他们自己与剧院和自然世界的关系进行了交流。这是一个在全球大流行期间通过受环境影响的莎士比亚表演进行转型的故事。雅典的泰门,特洛伊罗斯和克瑞西达,第十二夜, 和复仇者的悲剧。她是公园里蒙大拿莎士比亚的剧作家和剧本改编者,也是蒙大拿 InSite 剧院的联合创始人。她的导演项目包括玩偶之家,蟒蛇的泰门(参见 NTQ 145,2021 年 2 月),莎士比亚的行走故事, 和莎士比亚的鸟类。米奇·格雷 (Mikey Gray) 在纽约巴德学院获得戏剧和表演学士学位,并在悉尼 NIDA(国家戏剧艺术学院)完成了一个音乐学院学期。她在公园里与蒙大拿莎士比亚一起演出了四部作品,而其他演员参与包括芝加哥莎士比亚剧院、美国音乐学院剧院、Strawdog 剧院公司、通道剧院和麦卡特剧院中心。