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Atomic site preference, electronic structures, and magnetic properties of γ-brass type pseudo-binary Mn2Zn11–Ni2Zn11 at high Mn-contents
Journal of Alloys and Compounds ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.167599
Sivaprasad Ghanta , Amit Mondal , Anustoop Das , Riju Dey , Mayra D. Silva Barcenas , Joyce Pham , Anup Kumar Bera , Bikash Saha , S.M. Yusuf , Janez Dolinšek , Partha Pratim Jana

Samples loaded as MnxNi2Zn11-x (x = 0.1-5) were synthesized using conventional high-temperature solid-state techniques and characterized using X-ray diffraction, neutron powder diffraction, and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. A Hume-Rothery-type mechanism was applied, following the rigid band model, to rationalize the electronic stability of these phases. This shows that at low Mn substitution for Zn, there is a structural preference for Mn atoms to be farthest apart within the same cluster, but that with increasing Mn concentration, there is a favorability in maximizing shortest Mn–Mn contacts between adjacent clusters of the γ-brass-type structure. The properties involving temperature-dependent zero-field-cooled (ZFC) and field-cooled (FC) magnetization, susceptibility, M(H) hysteresis curves, thermoremanent magnetization, and memory effect were studied for Mn1.5Ni2Zn9.5. A spin glass state has been observed below the transition temperature of ∼58.5 K, which originates predominately from the disordered substitution of Mn for Zn atoms in the inner tetrahedral and octahedral shells of the structure.


高锰含量下 γ-黄铜型伪二元 Mn2Zn11–Ni2Zn11 的原子位点偏好、电子结构和磁性能

加载为 Mn x Ni 2 Zn 11-x 的样品(x = 0.1-5) 是使用常规高温固态技术合成的,并使用 X 射线衍射、中子粉末衍射和能量色散 X 射线光谱进行表征。遵循刚性带模型,应用了休谟-罗瑟里型机制,以合理化这些相的电子稳定性。这表明,在低 Mn 替代 Zn 时,Mn 原子在同一簇内的结构偏好相距最远,但随着 Mn 浓度的增加,有利于最大化相邻簇之间的最短 Mn-Mn 接触。 γ-黄铜型结构。涉及温度相关的零场冷却 (ZFC) 和场冷却 (FC) 磁化强度、磁化率、M ( H) 研究了 Mn 1.5 Ni 2 Zn 9.5的磁滞曲线、热剩磁和记忆效应。在约 58.5 K 的转变温度以下观察到自旋玻璃态 ,这主要源于结构内部四面体和八面体壳中 Mn 对 Zn 原子的无序取代。
