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Under the shadow of looming change: linking employees’ appraisals of organisational change as a job demand and transformational leadership to engagement and burnout
Work & Stress ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-15 , DOI: 10.1080/02678373.2022.2120560
Sandra C. Buttigieg 1 , Pascale Daher 2 , Vincent Cassar 3 , Yves Guillaume 2


Arguably burnout and engagement of employees play an important role in driving sustainable organisational change. Surprisingly little is known about how organisational change affects employee burnout and engagement. Drawing on the Job Demands-Resources model and the Conservation of Resources perspective, we utilise an integrative theoretical model proposing that the more employees appraise organisational change as a job demand the more burnout and less engagement they will display. We further argue transformational leadership, a change-oriented leadership style, is a resource that moderates these effects buffering against burnout and maintaining engagement. We tested our model with a cross-lagged design and collected data at two time points (six months interval) from 623 employees in a hospital in Malta that was facing a major change. Results show that the more employees appraise organisational change as a job demand at Time 1 the more burnout and less engagement they display at Time 2 but not vice versa, and transformational leadership maintained engagement but did not buffer against burnout. Theoretical and practical implications, as well as avenues for future research are discussed.




可以说,员工的倦怠和敬业度在推动可持续组织变革方面发挥着重要作用。令人惊讶的是,人们对组织变革如何影响员工倦怠和敬业度知之甚少。借鉴工作需求-资源模型和资源保护的观点,我们利用综合理论模型提出,员工越多地将组织变革视为工作需求,他们就会表现出越多的倦怠和更少的敬业度。我们进一步认为,变革型领导,一种以变革为导向的领导风格,是一种可以缓和这些影响、缓冲倦怠和保持参与度的资源。我们使用交叉滞后设计测试了我们的模型,并从马耳他一家面临重大变革的医院的 623 名员工收集了两个时间点(间隔六个月)的数据。结果显示,越多的员工在时间 1 将组织变革视为工作需求,他们在时间 2 表现出的倦怠和敬业度就越低,但反之亦然,而变革型领导力保持敬业度,但无法缓冲倦怠。讨论了理论和实践意义以及未来研究的途径。
