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Configurations ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-15

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contributors

Anton Borst is an instructional consultant at New York University’s Center for Faculty Advancement, where he develops programs and services to support effective teaching practices across disciplines. Specializing in antebellum American literature and Romanticism and science, he received his PhD in English from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and has taught literature and writing at NYU, Hunter College, Baruch College, and Pace University. He is a co-author of The Craft of College Teaching: A Practical Guide (Princeton U. Press, 2020) and co-editor of Critical Reading across the Curriculum, Volumes I and II (Wiley-Blackwell, 2017, 2020).

Ranjodh Singh Dhaliwal is Ruth and Paul Idzik College Chair in Digital Scholarship and assistant professor of English and Film, Television, and Theatre at the University of Notre Dame. His research is situated at the crossroads of media theory, science and technology studies, and literary criticism. His current book project, Rendering: A Political Diagrammatology of Computation, shows how our cultural narratives, politico-economic formulations, and epistemic beliefs get crystallized into computational hardware and software architectures.

Michael Filas is a professor of English at Westfield State University in Massachusetts, where he teaches American literature and creative writing. His research and creative work consider themes of posthumanism, collage, and medical humanities. His recent work has appeared in The Writing Disorder, the Journal of Experimental Fiction, Eleven Eleven, Specs, Fiction International, The Information Society, and Passages North. Michael’s current project is an analysis of Todd Haynes’s 1995 film Safe in the contexts of Aristotelian tragedy and American societal trends during the late pandemic.

JiHae Koo is an assistant professor of English at Kookmin University, South Korea.

Robert Nguyen is a doctoral candidate in English and Visual Studies at the Pennsylvania State University. His dissertation project examines recursion and failure in literary, film, and television representations of Silicon Valley. His work is forthcoming in the Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts.

Mary Sanders Pollock, professor of English at Stetson University, teaches British literature, environmental studies, and gender studies. She is the editor of two scholarly anthologies and three monographs, including Storytelling Apes: Primatology Narratives Past and Present (Penn State U. Press, 2015) and The Evolution of Gerald Durrell (forthcoming).

Daniel J. Worden, assistant professor of Modern Languages, teaches French and Film Studies at Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina. His research centers on the relationship between early modern prose fiction, astronomy, and natural philosophy. His articles on the work of Cyrano de Bergerac and Gabriel de Foigny have appeared in Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature and Cahiers du dix-septième, and in collaboration with Judy A. Hayden, he published an English translation of Anne Mauduit de Fatouville’s scenes in Aphra Behn’s ‘Emperor of the Moon’ and Its French Source, ‘Arlequin, Empereur dans la lune’ (Cambridge, UK: MHRA, 2019).

Copyright © 2022 Johns Hopkins University Press and the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts ...




  • 贡献者

Anton Borst是纽约大学教师发展中心的教学顾问,他在那里开发项目和服务,以支持跨学科的有效教学实践。他专攻战前美国文学和浪漫主义与科学,在纽约城市大学研究生中心获得英语博士学位,并在纽约大学、亨特学院、巴鲁克学院和佩斯大学教授文学和写作。他是《大学教学工艺:实用指南》(普林斯顿大学出版社,2020 年)的合著者,也是《跨课程批判性阅读》第一卷和第二卷(Wiley-Blackwell,2017 年,2020 年)的合著者。

Ranjodh Singh Dhaliwal是 Ruth and Paul Idzik 学院数字奖学金主席,也是圣母大学英语、电影、电视和戏剧系的助理教授。他的研究位于媒体理论、科学技术研究和文学批评的十字路口。他目前的书籍项目,渲染:计算的政治图表学,展示了我们的文化叙事、政治经济公式和认知信念如何具体化为计算硬件和软件架构。

Michael Filas是马萨诸塞州韦斯特菲尔德州立大学的英语教授,教授美国文学和创意写作。他的研究和创造性工作考虑了后人文主义、拼贴画和医学人文学科的主题。他最近的作品出现在写作障碍实验小说杂志十一十一SpecsFiction International信息社会Passages North。迈克尔目前的项目是在亚里士多德悲剧和大流行后期美国社会趋势的背景下分析托德·海恩斯 1995 年的电影《安全》。

JiHae Koo是韩国国民大学的英语助理教授。

Robert Nguyen是宾夕法尼亚州立大学英语和视觉研究专业的博士生。他的论文项目研究了硅谷文学、电影和电视表现中的递归和失败。他的作品即将在《艺术奇幻杂志》上发表

斯泰森大学英语教授玛丽·桑德斯·波洛克教授英国文学、环境研究和性别研究。她是两部学术选集和三部专着的编辑,包括讲故事的猿:灵长类动物学叙事的过去和现在(宾夕法尼亚州立大学出版社,2015 年)和杰拉德·杜瑞尔的演变(即将出版)。

现代语言助理教授Daniel J. Worden在南卡罗来纳州格林维尔的弗曼大学教授法语和电影研究。他的研究集中在早期现代散文小说、天文学和自然哲学之间的关系。他关于 Cyrano de Bergerac 和 Gabriel de Foigny 作品的文章出现在法国 17 世纪文学论文Cahiers du dix-septième 上,并与 Judy A. Hayden 合作,出版了 Anne Mauduit de Fatouville 场景的英文翻译。Aphra Behn 的“月亮皇帝”及其法语来源,“Arlequin, Empereur dans la lune ”(英国剑桥:MHRA,2019 年)。

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