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Butler’s Winckelmann
Publications of the English Goethe Society ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-13 , DOI: 10.1080/09593683.2022.2119653
Lasse Hodne 1


The book The Tyranny of Greece over Germany (1935) by Eliza Marian Butler is about the development of German intellectual life in the period from Johann Joachim Winckelmann (1717–1768) onwards. Winckelmann is often seen as the man who gave the impetus to a wave of philhellenism in Germany. According to Butler, German intellectuals’ nostalgic longing for Greece and lack of interest in real societal problems bears much responsibility for the cultural collapse of interwar Germany and the rise of Nazism. The ideas that Butler put forward have been of great importance for those who criticize the political use of classical art in public monuments. Discussing Butler’s points of view, this article will take a critical look at her reasons for attributing such a central role in the cultural decline of interwar Germany to Winckelmann’s philhellenism.




《希腊对德国的暴政》一书伊丽莎·玛丽安·巴特勒 (Eliza Marian Butler) 的 (1935) 讲述了从约翰·约阿希姆·温克尔曼 (Johann Joachim Winckelmann) (1717–1768) 开始的德国知识分子生活的发展。温克尔曼经常被视为推动德国爱乐主义浪潮的人。巴特勒认为,德国知识分子对希腊的怀念和对现实社会问题缺乏兴趣对两次世界大战之间德国的文化崩溃和纳粹主义的兴起负有很大责任。巴特勒提出的想法对于那些批评古典艺术在公共纪念碑中的政治用途的人来说非常重要。讨论巴特勒的观点,本文将批判性地审视她将在两次世界大战期间德国的文化衰落中如此重要的作用归因于温克尔曼的亲希腊主义的原因。
