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The Translation Stage in LSP Lexicography: A Mixed Translation Model For LSP Bilingual Dictionary Terms
International Journal of Lexicography ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-14 , DOI: 10.1093/ijl/ecac009
Marina Katić 1 , Predrag Novakov 2

This paper focuses on the translation stage in LSP bilingual lexicography, where the condition of equivalence lies in the terminological/conceptual identity of the terms used in different linguistic systems. To this end, case study research was done on the corpus of the English-Serbian Dictionary of Waste Management. Seeking to provide a more extensive picture of the rendition of specialized terms, the authors propose a systematic translation framework by combining traditional Translation Theory with the modern Function Theory of Lexicography. Therefore, the LSP dictionary counterparts were analyzed from the perspectives of both theories, using a mixed translation model for both single and compound words. This paper aims to resolve the question of why the translation of the specialized dictionary terms produced the result it had, the explanation of which might help compile modern LSP bilingual dictionaries from English into Serbian, or into other languages of South-East Slavic origin.



本文重点研究 LSP 双语词典编纂的翻译阶段,其对等条件在于不同语言系统中使用的术语的术语/概念同一性。为此,对英语-塞尔维亚语废物管理词典的语料库进行了案例研究。为了提供更广泛的专业术语翻译图景,作者将传统翻译理论与现代词典学功能理论相结合,提出了一个系统的翻译框架。因此,从两种理论的角度对 LSP 词典对应物进行了分析,对单词和复合词都使用了混合翻译模型。本文旨在解决为什么专业词典术语的翻译会产生其结果的问题,