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Tycho Brahe’s Health and Death: What Can We Learn from the Trace Element Levels Found in His Hair and Bone Samples?
Early Science and Medicine ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-14 , DOI: 10.1163/15733823-20220052
Vladimír Karpenko 1 , Jan Kučera 2

Based on the analysis of Tycho Brahe’s hair and bones for the presence of elevated levels of the elements iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), arsenic (As), silver (Ag) and gold (Au), this paper tries to find their likely sources and to judge whether the unusual concentrations in which they were found could have been due to some form of medication. On the basis of an osteopathological study, an attempt is made moreover to arrive at a comprehensive picture of Brahe’s health. As a possible source of the elements in question, his three elixirs and their compositions are discussed. Additionally, further inorganic medicines of the period containing the above-mentioned elements are presented and, where possible, their medical usage is discussed. While a combination of pathological data and probable medication is used to draw a general picture of Brahe’s health and potential illnesses, some questions cannot be conclusively answered, however, until more data about the astronomer’s health conditions come to light.



基于对第谷·布拉赫 (Tycho Brahe) 的头发和骨骼中元素铁 (Fe)、钴 (Co)、砷 (As)、银 (Ag) 和金 (Au) 含量升高的分析,本文试图找出它们可能的来源,并判断发现它们的异常浓度是否可能是由于某种形式的药物引起的。在骨病理学研究的基础上,还试图全面了解布拉赫的健康状况。作为所讨论元素的可能来源,讨论了他的三种长生不老药及其成分。此外,还介绍了该时期包含上述元素的其他无机药物,并在可能的情况下讨论了它们的医疗用途。