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Can foundational economy save regions in crisis?
Journal of Economic Geography ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-12 , DOI: 10.1093/jeg/lbac027
Mikhail Martynovich 1, 2 , Teis Hansen 2, 3, 4 , Karl-Johan Lundquist 1, 2

We perform, to our best knowledge, the first systematic mapping of the foundational economy (FE) at the sub-national level by looking at the FE employment in Swedish regions between 2007 and 2016. We show that the FE itself not only suffered less than traded activities from employment decline during the Great Recession of 2007–2009 but was also a domain of substantial job creation in the post-crisis recovery. At the same time, regions with higher dependence on foundational employment were hit harder during the crisis in terms of overall labour market performance. We demonstrate that it is specific compositions of foundational and traded activities in the regional employment mix that relate differently to regional employment growth in times of crisis and recovery. Jointly, these findings allow us to contribute to the literatures on the FE and regional resilience.



据我们所知,我们通过观察 2007 年至 2016 年间瑞典地区的 FE 就业情况,首次系统地绘制了地方层面的基础经济 (FE)。我们表明,FE 本身不仅遭受的损失少于2007-2009 年大衰退期间就业下降导致的贸易活动,但也是危机后复苏期间大量创造就业机会的领域。与此同时,就整体劳动力市场表现而言,在危机期间,对基础就业依赖程度较高的地区受到的打击更大。我们证明,区域就业组合中基础活动和贸易活动的具体构成与危机和复苏时期的区域就业增长有不同的关系。共同,