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Missionary, citizen, and consumer: Evangelical American child sponsorship and humanitarian marketing in the 1950s and 1960s
Economic Anthropology ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-11 , DOI: 10.1002/sea2.12267
Kari B. Henquinet 1

Child sponsorship has been a wildly successful fundraising strategy for humanitarian and development organizations since the Cold War. This article examines the formative period of child sponsorship's growth and early humanitarian marketing strategies using the case of the now evangelical humanitarian giant World Vision in the 1950s and 1960s. Using archival sources from this period, I identify three channels that appear in World Vision child sponsorship ads and branding: Christian missionary sentimentalism, Cold War citizenship, and American consumerism. World Vision operated in all three channels as it transposed familiar cultural meaning to images, gifts, stories, performances, and experiences circulating in the humanitarian moral economy. World Vision experimented in this period with messaging using emerging marketing strategies in addition to established missionary, military, and political networks and rhetoric. This article considers the various historical threads of child sponsorship as a successful humanitarian fundraising strategy that has endured yet been reworked over time.


传教士、公民和消费者:1950 年代和 60 年代美国福音派儿童赞助和人道主义营销

自冷战以来,儿童赞助一直是人道主义和发展组织非常成功的筹款策略。本文以 1950 年代和 1960 年代现在的福音派人道主义巨头世界宣明会为例,探讨了儿童助养增长的形成期和早期人道主义营销策略。使用这一时期的档案资源,我确定了世界宣明会儿童赞助广告和品牌中出现的三个渠道:基督教传教士情感主义、冷战公民身份和美国消费主义。世界宣明会在所有三个渠道中运作,因为它将熟悉的文化含义转化为在人道主义道德经济中流通的图像、礼物、故事、表演和经验。世界宣明会在这一时期尝试使用新兴的营销策略以及已建立的传教士、军事和政治网络和修辞来进行消息传递。本文将儿童赞助的各种历史线索视为一种成功的人道主义筹款策略,该策略经久不衰但随着时间的推移而被重新制定。