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R-loop: The new genome regulatory element in plants
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology ( IF 9.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-12 , DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13383
Jincong Zhou 1, 2 , Weifeng Zhang 1, 2 , Qianwen Sun 1, 2

An R-loop is a three-stranded chromatin structure that consists of a displaced single strand of DNA and an RNA:DNA hybrid duplex, which was thought to be a rare by-product of transcription. However, recent genome-wide data have shown that R-loops are widespread and pervasive in a variety of genomes, and a growing body of experimental evidence indicates that R-loops have both beneficial and harmful effects on an organism. To maximize benefit and avoid harm, organisms have evolved several means by which they tightly regulate R-loop levels. Here, we summarize our current understanding of the biogenesis and effects of R-loops, the mechanisms that regulate them, and methods of R-loop profiling, reviewing recent research advances on R-loops in plants. Furthermore, we provide perspectives on future research directions for R-loop biology in plants, which might lead to a more comprehensive understanding of R-loop functions in plant genome regulation and contribute to future agricultural improvements.



R 环是一种三链染色质结构,由置换的单链 DNA 和 RNA:DNA 杂交双链体组成,这被认为是一种罕见的转录副产物。然而,最近的全基因组数据表明,R-loops 在各种基因组中广泛存在,并且越来越多的实验证据表明 R-loops 对生物体既有利又有害。为了最大限度地提高收益并避免伤害,生物体进化出多种方法来严格调节 R-loop 水平。在这里,我们总结了目前对 R-loop 的生物发生和影响、调节它们的机制以及 R-loop 分析方法的理解,回顾了植物 R-loops 的最新研究进展。此外,我们对植物 R-loop 生物学的未来研究方向提供了展望,