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Pd−X Bond Homolysis Dissociation Free Energy (BDFE) Scales of [(tmeda)Pd(4-F−C6H4)X] (X=OR, NHAr) in DMSO
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-12 , DOI: 10.1002/ejic.202200556
Jun-Yan Wu 1 , Jin-Dong Yang 2 , Jin-Pei Cheng 1

Pd−X bond homolysis dissociation free energies [BDFE(Pd−X)] of representative [(tmeda)Pd(4-F−C6H4)X] (X=OR and NHR) complex was investigated in DMSO. Linear free energy relationship indicates higher sensitivity of Pd−X bonds than X−H bonds to structural changes. Thermodynamic propensity on reductive elimination of Pd complexes provides energetic evidence for preferential formation of C−N bonds.