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Extending civic values in architectures of listening: Arendt, Mouffe and the pluralistic imperative for organizational listening
Journal of Public Relations Research ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-11 , DOI: 10.1080/1062726x.2022.2127728
Luke Capizzo 1 , Meredith Feinman 2


This conceptual paper introduces the concept of civic listening to augment organizational listening theory and practice. Drawing from critical theorists Arendt and Mouffe, it centers pluralism, agonism, deliberation, and reflection as central to listening and delineates the functions and values of civic listening to add to existing architectures. In doing so it provides additional guidance to help organizations (1) listen for what might be challenging for leaders to hear, (2) ensure values of deliberation and pluralism are enacted in listening contexts, and (3) help better triangulate organizational awareness among a diverse constellation of other organizations and stakeholders. Building on organizational listening scholarship that addresses the potential for the concept’s contributions to democratic society, this new perspective points toward deeper, more nuanced, and more equitable organizational engagement in civic discourse and firmer ground for contentious issue involvement. It introduces five critical values within an architecture of civic listening to guide practice: “other” orientation, pluralistic engagement, harmony over consensus, reflective processes, and social problem-solving focus.


在聆听架构中扩展公民价值观:Arendt、Mouffe 和组织聆听的多元化必要性


这篇概念性论文介绍了公民倾听的概念,以增强组织倾听的理论和实践。借鉴批判理论家 Arendt 和 Mouffe 的思想,它以多元主义、竞争主义、深思熟虑和反思为中心,将其作为聆听的核心,并描述了公民聆听的功能和价值,以添加到现有架构中。在这样做的过程中,它提供了额外的指导,以帮助组织 (1) 倾听领导者可能难以听到的内容,(2) 确保在倾听环境中体现审议和多元化的价值观,以及 (3) 帮助更好地确定组织意识其他组织和利益相关者的不同星座。建立在解决这一概念对民主社会的贡献潜力的组织倾听奖学金的基础上,这种新的观点指向更深入、更细致和更公平的组织参与公民讨论,并为有争议的问题参与奠定更坚实的基础。它在公民倾听的架构中引入了五个关键价值观来指导实践:“其他”导向、多元参与、和谐高于共识、反思过程和解决社会问题的重点。
