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Thermodynamic and kinetic synergetic separation of CO2/C2H2 in an ultramicroporous metal-organic framework
Separation and Purification Technology ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2022.122318
Chaohui He , Peng Zhang , Yong Wang , Yujuan Zhang , Tuoping Hu , Libo Li , Jinping Li

The selective removal of carbon dioxide (CO2) from acetylene (C2H2) is an important separation process in the petrochemical industry, but is challenging due to the similar physicochemical properties of the two gases. Using CO2-selective adsorbents that have preferential affinity for CO2 over C2H2 in pressure swing adsorption was deemed a promising separation method for the separation of CO2/C2H2 mixtures. Herein, we report an ultramicroporous metal-organic framework, Y-bptc, to achieve efficient separation of CO2/C2H2 through thermodynamic and kinetic synergetic effects. The unique cage-type structure interconnected by small windows exhibits high adsorption capacity for CO2 while efficiently impeding adsorption diffusion of C2H2, which was proved by the single-component equilibrium and kinetic adsorption curves. Grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) molecular calculations further show that the µ3-OH of the framework have a stronger adsorption affinity for CO2 through forming hydrogen bonds. Breakthrough experiments using Y-bptc as a CO2-selective adsorbent proved that high-purity C2H2 (>99%) could be directly produced from one-step separation of CO2/C2H2 (1/1, v/v) mixtures, which greatly reduced the separation process and energy consumption. In addition, the structure of Y-bptc due to the high charge density of the Y6 cluster has high stability under humid and high-temperature conditions adding to the application possibility in industry.


超微孔金属有机框架中 CO2/C2H2 的热力学和动力学协同分离

从乙炔 (C 2 H 2 ) 中选择性去除二氧化碳 (CO 2 ) 是石化工业中一个重要的分离过程,但由于两种气体的物理化学性质相似,因此具有挑战性。在变压吸附中使用对CO 2比对C 2 H 2具有优先亲和力的CO 2选择性吸附剂被认为是分离CO 2 /C 2 H 2混合物的有前景的分离方法。在此,我们报道了一种超微孔金属有机骨架 Y-bptc,以实现 CO 2 /C 2 H的高效分离2通过热力学和动力学的协同作用。独特的小窗相互连接的笼型结构对CO 2具有很高的吸附能力,同时有效地阻碍了C 2 H 2的吸附扩散,单组分平衡和动力学吸附曲线证明了这一点。大经典蒙特卡罗(GCMC)分子计算进一步表明,骨架的μ 3 -OH -通过形成氢键对CO 2具有更强的吸附亲和力。使用 Y-bptc 作为 CO 2选择性吸附剂的突破性实验证明,高纯度 C 2 H 2(>99%)可直接由CO 2 /C 2 H 2 (1/1, v/v)混合物的一步分离得到,大大降低了分离过程和能耗。此外,由于Y6簇的高电荷密度,Y-bptc的结构在潮湿和高温条件下具有高稳定性,增加了工业应用的可能性。
