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Review on formation of biofouling in the marine environment and functionalization of new marine antifouling coatings
Journal of Materials Science ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s10853-022-07791-8
Zhihao Liu , Xiangyu Zheng , Haiwei Zhang , Wenyao Li , Rijia Jiang , Xing Zhou

With the development of society, industry, agriculture, and other production activities are changing with each passing day. The primary mode of transportation in international trade is by ship. Due to the complex environment and biodiversity of the sea, ship surfaces are often corroded due to microorganisms, algae, shellfish, and other factors. The hydraulic conditions during the operation of the ship are also affected, increasing energy consumption. Thus, ships need to stop regularly for surface cleaning to prevent greater losses, but there are economic losses and human and material resource consumption that occur during these shutdown periods. To better solve the problem of corrosion, ship surfaces can be treated by antifouling coatings. This review discusses current popular and new marine antifouling coatings from the aspects of biofouling: microbial biofouling, conditioned film biofouling, algae attachment biofouling, shellfish attachment biofouling, and marine environmental impacts. This review also discusses the characteristics, formation mechanisms, and preparation processes of nanocomposite coatings, amphiphilic antifouling coatings, photocatalytic coatings, self-healing antifouling coatings, and self-polishing coatings. The new marine antifouling coatings are compared with traditional coatings in terms of hydraulic properties, such as water contact angle and antifouling performance.



