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“Bring Your Straight Friends”: Anti-Gay Religious Stigma and Black and White LGB-Affirming Church Members
Sociology of Religion ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-08 , DOI: 10.1093/socrel/srac027
Austin Colby Guy Lee 1

This comparative study of Black and white members of LGB-affirming churches finds that race plays a major role in shaping the socio-temporal contexts in which American Protestants come to understand anti-gay religious stigma and make meaning of their affiliation to LGB-affirming churches. Through interviews with 13 Black and 14 white members of churches that actively describe themselves as affirming and inclusive of LGB people, I find that Black church members made efforts to distinguish their churches from “gay churches” and that LGB inclusion functions as a potential source of stigma for Black-affirming church members. Conversely, white respondents articulated a valuing of LGB inclusion tied to broader conceptions of inclusion and social progress. These findings suggest that Black and white Protestants encounter distinct cultural landscapes when evaluating the legitimacy and status of their religious institutions and that Black LGB-affirming church members internalize stigma related to their religious affiliations.


“带上你的直友”:反同性恋宗教污名和黑人和白人 LGB 肯定教会成员

这项对支持 LGB 的教会的黑人和白人成员的比较研究发现,种族在塑造美国新教徒了解反同性恋的宗教污名并理解他们与支持 LGB 的教会的隶属关系的社会时间背景方面发挥着重要作用. 通过对 13 名黑人和 14 名白人教会成员的采访,他们积极描述自己肯定和包容 LGB 人,我发现黑人教会成员努力将他们的教会与“同性恋教会”区分开来,而 LGB 包容作为潜在的来源黑人肯定教会成员的耻辱。相反,白人受访者表达了与更广泛的包容和社会进步概念相关的 LGB 包容价值。