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Floquet States in Open Quantum Systems
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-06 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-conmatphys-040721-015537
Takashi Mori 1

In Floquet engineering, periodic driving is used to realize novel phases of matter that are inaccessible in thermal equilibrium. For this purpose, the Floquet theory provides us a recipe for obtaining a static effective Hamiltonian. Although many existing works have treated closed systems, it is important to consider the effect of dissipation, which is ubiquitous in nature. Understanding the interplay of periodic driving and dissipation is a fundamental problem of nonequilibrium statistical physics that is receiving growing interest because of the fact that experimental advances have allowed us to engineer dissipation in a controllable manner. In this review, we give a detailed exposition on the formalism of quantum master equations for open Floquet systems and highlight recent work investigating whether equilibrium statistical mechanics applies to Floquet states.


开放量子系统中的 Floquet 状态

在 Floquet 工程中,周期性驱动用于实现在热平衡中无法接近的物质新相。为此,Floquet 理论为我们提供了一个获得静态有效哈密顿量的公式。尽管许多现有工作都对封闭系统进行了处理,但重要的是要考虑耗散的影响,这在本质上是无处不在的。了解周期性驱动和耗散的相互作用是非平衡统计物理学的一个基本问题,由于实验的进步使我们能够以可控的方式设计耗散,因此人们越来越感兴趣。在这篇综述中,我们详细阐述了开放 Floquet 系统的量子主方程的形式主义,并重点介绍了最近研究平衡统计力学是否适用于 Floquet 状态的工作。