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Resistance to the Neo-liberal Economy and the Life of a Play: The Jana Natya Manch and Theatre Activism
Theatre Research International ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-06 , DOI: 10.1017/s0307883322000244

For left cultural activism, ‘theatre’ forms an important ‘worksite of democracy’ which allows theatre activists to provide creative intervention within the existing ‘field of forces’. Cultural organizations and theatre groups of the Left – like the Delhi-based Jana Natya Manch (People's Theatre Forum) offer a critique of neo-liberalism through theatre. First performed in the year 2000, the street play Nahi Qubool (Unacceptable) was designed to expose neo-liberal policies undertaken by the Bharatiya Janata Party-led government. The play continued to be performed even after a change of government with suitable modifications for changed circumstances. This genealogy of performance demonstrates the contours of politics and activist performances in contemporary India. It reveals that theatre as a ‘laboratory for democracy’ can also perform a diagnostic role to enhance the effectiveness of political strategy.



对于左派文化激进主义来说,“剧院”构成了一个重要的“民主工场”,它允许剧院激进主义者在现有的“力量领域”内提供创造性的干预。左翼的文化组织和戏剧团体——比如总部位于德里的 Jana Natya Manch(人民戏剧论坛)通过戏剧对新自由主义进行批判。首演于 2000 年,街头剧Nahi Qubool(不可接受)旨在揭露印度人民党领导的政府采取的新自由主义政策。即使在政府更迭后,该剧仍继续上演,并针对变化的情况进行了适当的修改。这种表演谱系展示了当代印度政治和激进主义表演的轮廓。它揭示了剧院作为“民主实验室”也可以发挥诊断作用,以提高政治战略的有效性。
