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Methodological Advances in Food Choice Experiments and Modeling: Current Practices, Challenges, and Future Research Directions
Annual Review of Resource Economics ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-05 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-resource-111820-023242
Vincenzina Caputo 1 , Riccardo Scarpa 2

In recent decades, discrete choice experiment research applied to food choices has grown rapidly. Empirical applications include investigations of consumer preferences and demand for various food attributes, labeling programs, novel products and applications, and new food technologies. Methodological contributions include advances in the form of new theories, elicitation methods, and modeling. This study focuses on the latter and ( a) reviews recent methodological contributions in the food choice experiment literature, ( b) examines existing knowledge gaps, and ( c) discusses possible future research directions.



近几十年来,应用于食物选择的离散选择实验研究迅速发展。实证应用包括对消费者偏好和对各种食品属性的需求、标签程序、新产品和应用以及新食品技术的调查。方法论的贡献包括新理论、启发方法和建模形式的进步。本研究侧重于后者,并 (a) 回顾了食物选择实验文献中最近的方法论贡献,(b) 检查了现有的知识差距,以及 (c) 讨论了未来可能的研究方向。