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Refractory Plasmonic Hafnium Nitride and Zirconium Nitride Thin Films as Alternatives to Silver for Solar Mirror Applications
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-04 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.2c09852
Prasanna Das 1, 2 , Bidesh Biswas 1, 2 , Krishna Chand Maurya 1, 2 , Magnus Garbrecht 3 , Bivas Saha 1, 2, 4

Harnessing solar energy by employing concentrated solar power (CSP) systems requires materials with high electrical conductivity and optical reflectivity. Silver, with its excellent optical reflectance, is traditionally used as a reflective layer in solar mirrors for CSP technologies. However, silver is soft and expensive, quickly tarnishes, and requires a protective layer of glass for practical applications. Moreover, supply-side constraints and high-temperature instability of silver have led to the search for alternative materials that exhibit high solar and infrared reflectance. Transition metal nitrides, such as titanium nitride, have emerged as alternative plasmonic materials to gold starting from a spectral range of ∼500 nm. However, to achieve high solar reflection (∼320–2500 nm), materials with epsilon-near-zero starting from the near-ultraviolet (UV) spectral region are required. Here, we show the development of refractory epitaxial hafnium nitride (HfN) and zirconium nitride (ZrN) thin films as excellent mirrors with a solar reflectivity of ∼90.3% and an infrared reflectivity of ∼95%. Low-loss and high-quality epsilon-near-zero resonance at near-UV (∼340–380 nm) spectral regions are achieved in HfN and ZrN by carefully controlling the stoichiometry, leading to a sharp increase in the reflection edge that is on par with silver. Temperature-dependent reflectivity and dielectric constants are further measured to demonstrate their high-temperature suitability. The development of refractory epitaxial HfN and ZrN thin films with high solar and infrared reflectance makes them excellent alternative plasmonic materials to silver and would pave their applications in CSP, daytime radiative cooling, and others.



通过采用聚光太阳能 (CSP) 系统来利用太阳能需要具有高导电性和光学反射率的材料。银具有出色的光学反射率,传统上用作 CSP 技术的太阳镜中的反射层。然而,银柔软且昂贵,很快就会失去光泽,并且在实际应用中需要玻璃保护层。此外,银的供应限制和高温不稳定性导致人们寻找具有高太阳能和红外反射率的替代材料。过渡金属氮化物,如氮化钛,已成为金的替代等离子体材料,光谱范围约为 500 nm。然而,为了实现高太阳反射(~320-2500 nm),需要从近紫外 (UV) 光谱区域开始具有ε-近零的材料。在这里,我们展示了难熔外延氮化铪 (HfN) 和氮化锆 (ZrN) 薄膜作为太阳反射率约为 90.3% 和红外反射率约为 95% 的优秀镜子的发展。通过仔细控制化学计量,在 HfN 和 ZrN 中实现了近紫外(~340-380 nm)光谱区域的低损耗和高质量的ε-近零共振,导致反射边缘急剧增加与白银相提并论。进一步测量与温度相关的反射率和介电常数以证明它们的高温适用性。